An effort to port RPM to SGI IRIX has released beta 0.0.5:
While RPM has been tested as working on IRIX (irix 32 bit – INDY, I2, O2) – there are possibly still gremlins in other packages with mis-identification due to these differences. Now that RPM itself is working, we can “hot upgrade” and fix those as we see them.
So much opensource is built by programmers scratching an itch.
I look at stuff like this, and think “what an obscure itch.”
Not wrong. I know RPM quite well and inst very well. Not many features I can think of that Inst is not as good at. Actually, given how RPM satisfies deps ..I think internally inst is vastly superior. Can’t think of why they did this ..and if there is a reason, why they didn’t use Apt.
Boggles the mind.