Strong ARMing with MacOS: adventures in cross-platform emulation

BlackBerry recognizes the importance of supporting the cybersecurity community in the fight against cyberthreats, and is therefore following up its release of the PE Tree Tool in 2020 by sharing this methodology report to inform security researchers and pen-testers on how to successfully emulate a MacOS ARM64 kernel under QEMU.

Pen-testers and researchers can use the virtualized environment of a stripped-down MacOS kernel for debugging and vulnerability discovery, and this illustrates the extent to which one can use emulation to manipulate and control the kernel to their desired ends, whether it be to find a critical bug or to patch an area of the kernel.

More importantly, this project was a successful experiment in cross-platform emulation that has the potential for future development.

BlackBerry telling you how to virtualise ARM macOS. Yeah.

One Response

  1. 2021-05-24 7:24 pm