Open Source Waits for a Xen Moment in 2006

“In the past month, there’s been much ado about Xen in the online community, both from developers, columnists and the audience at large. First Xen was given the green light to become an open source killer app, thanks to the work done by companies like XenSource with its XenOptimizer 3.0 upgrade. Meanwhile, some users and analysts said the technology was unproven and had a ways to go before the killer app label would fit.”


  1. 2006-01-19 8:27 pm
  2. 2006-01-19 9:33 pm
  3. 2006-01-20 2:41 am
    • 2006-01-20 1:42 pm
    • 2006-01-20 3:31 pm
  4. 2006-01-20 3:38 pm
    • 2006-01-20 7:00 pm
  5. 2006-01-20 7:04 pm
  6. 2006-01-20 8:15 pm
  7. 2006-01-21 2:33 pm