A repository of pre-compiled binaries has been produced for Darwin/Mac OS X, using RPM as the package system, it has been made available thanks to the work of Ole Guldberg Jensen who has announced a new RPM-Based branch of DarwinPorts.
A repository of pre-compiled binaries has been produced for Darwin/Mac OS X, using RPM as the package system, it has been made available thanks to the work of Ole Guldberg Jensen who has announced a new RPM-Based branch of DarwinPorts.
Did they get /.ed or something? I can’t get to anything on http://www.opendarwin.org. The tcp connection gets closed as soon as it opens.
Anyways, anybody know how this will play with fink? Can they run alongside? Will they duplicate things?
Edited 2006-02-01 18:07
Darwinports and Fink can coexist without any problems – I’m using both right now. Fink puts all of its files in the /sw tree, and Darwinports uses /opt. If you have the same program in both, which one executes is determined by the order of the directories in the $PATH. Of course you can explicitly specify the full path to choose for yourself.
In my experience, DarwinPorts works better. I’ve had several problems with dependencies in the Fink repository, and many libraries I need are missing or outdated in Fink. As soon as I get a chance I plan to remove Fink from my system.
Until now, the drawback to DarwinPorts is that everything was distributed as source and needed to be compiled. This RPM binary branch will eliminate this problem.
Just what Mac users need, yet another way to get OSS apps on Mac OS X.
‘Cause we know it’s worked out so well for Linux 😛
Edited 2006-02-01 18:42
a Pegasos 🙂
> Until now, the drawback to DarwinPorts is that everything was distributed as source and needed to be compiled. This RPM binary branch will eliminate this problem.
And it will bring back the problem you see with Fink (dependencies…) 🙂
You may be right. It all depends on how stable and well tested the binary repository is. In all, I think source distribution is safer; I don’t plan to switch.
Why would anybody in their right mind WANT to use RPM based packages?