“A post on the Register, claiming that Google might be close to rolling out a ‘Goobuntu’ Linux desktop distro, has been making the usual rounds in the tech news circuit today. Despite today being earnings release day, presumably a very busy time at the Google press relations office, technology spokeswoman Sonya Boralv responded very quickly to my query on the topic. She said that “[w]e use Ubuntu internally but have no plans to distribute it outside of the company.” Elsewhere, Google’s shares kinda dropped today as their earnings fell short of expectations.
I’m surprised the bubble burst this soon, or has it?
Isn’t Google overvalued to a factor of 3, because people expected it to increase earnings near exponentially?
Assuming reasonable growth prospects, it should probably sell for a PE ratio of around 20-25, which is to say, about 200. However, speculative excesses usually lead to emotional overshoots on the downside as well as on the upside – you can see the same thing in Apple. So it would not be surprising to see Google drop to under 100, before it rises above 500.
The experience of a century is that when the PE ratio is over 30, in a company with a turnover in today’s value in billions, it is almost impossible to make money over 5 years. It happens so rarely, statistically, that its silly to bet on it.
I know, absolutely terrifying if you bought into the hype at 450.
So how did people make money on the way up? Riding the tiger – the greater fool theory, momentum speculation. If you are good at it, great. Few are.
Schmidt already stated several times:
“With all due respect, we issued a statement that we have tremendous partners in the PC space, so we have no interest in doing it [Google PC]. I guess some people don’t believe it.”
There’s no place for Google in the operating system or PC market.
There’s no place for Google in the operating system or PC market.
There is always some space left for another linux distro. A lot of people didn’t think that before Ubuntu. Now it’s among the most popular distro. It isn’t perfect tho, and maybe google could have take it a step further, don’t you think?
They have the money. And when you do, anything is possible. Remember when people said there were no place for another gaming console when microsoft announced the xbox?
> They have the money. And when you do,
> anything is possible.
Apple had the money, they made Mac OS X, the best operating system ever (however it has Office.mac, Photoshop, etc). Now look at the market shares. Even if Apple allows to install Mac OS X on any PC they wouldn’t really increase their market share.
Microsoft rules the desktop world. That’s life.
Google can’t do anything to have place in the desktop market. Google can’t change ppls mind that OpenOffice or AbiWord or Gimp or anything else is enough for them instead of mainstream solutions.
This was likely someone hearing that engineers who work at google are using Ubuntu internally and blew it out of proportion. With a company as massive and innovative as google, rumors are bound to fly from the smallest comments made by it’s employees.
That is probably close to what happened.
While it would be nice to have google backing a linux OS, I think we have enough distros to confuse the newcomers already 😉
Evidently google likes ubuntu just fine. Making their own distro would in a best case scenario make them a few bucks w/ support packages, but that’s outside their historical business model and they don’t stand to gain much. More likely would be a bunch of headaches for little if any profit. I’d like to see some ipod competitor tho- marginally more potential than a new linux distro.
One should note that “short of expectations” really means “short of insane expectations”. The company itself is still doing very well when measured on normal standards. They doubled their profits since the same quarter last year.
One should also note that the stock price is at the level it is today because of those expectations. If they don’t meet those, then their stock is simply overvalued and shouldn’t have been valued that high in the first place.
I’m kind of relieved that Google will not produce a version of linux. I see them more as an internet company than an OS company. Plus I’d have to question how much privacy would they or could they invade if they did distribute a version of linux?
You know they would make their applications readily available for internet access like gtalk. Then there would be google earth, which they could track to see who is searching where in that particular application since it would be accessing the mapping data from the internet. Just simple things like that could raise some privacy issues for people.
“[w]e” wtf?
The brackets around the “w” indicate a change from the actual quote. It was probably originally capitalized in the official statement.
….anyone seen these floating around now?
Funny though – they look identical to the ones that came out last time someone said “Look – Google are making an OS!!”
If we wait long enough, I’m sure this will all be back again some day. Recycling on the internet works very well eh? 🙂
I saw them. I’m glad that wasn’t released, the fonts were terrible.
a claim full of evidence (:
Why would they release a Linux distro if they give away Windows-only software?
The strategy is simple. Get people started using OpenOffice, Trillian/Google Talk, Google Desktop Search, RealPlayer etc on Windows.
Then present them with an OS that comes bundled with all of the above (subsitute Gaim and Beagle), looks prettier than XP and doesn’t cost them a penny (or means that their new computer costs less than if it came with Vista).
The big question is what Google would have to gain from such a move.
tristan: The big question is what Google would have to gain from such a move.
Well… I personally can’t see them producing a Linux distribution, but if they did and they released it for free, they could do the following:
1) Sell advertising. The advertising could be displayed either while the user uses the OS (annoying) or be displayed at only certain points, like while the OS is being installed.
2) Sell developer kits. The cost then shifts from the user, who often times can either not afford to pay or does not want to pay to other developers who then have to figure out how they’ll make money.
3) Sell support. Like technical support over the phone or what have you.
4) Sell related merchandise. Like t-shirts, etc…
Not hard to do actually. But I don’t see Google doing this, because it doesn’t seem to fit in with the type of company they are. Also, this is a tough area to get into, not only would they have to fight Windows and Mac OS, but other Linux distributions.
#1-4 – None of the above
They would use it to collect more information about you and then target the browser based ads more directly.
Think of the commercial ad targeting they could do by scanning budget documents or RFPs as they are being written. Or target the home user by getting their credit card activity out of the Google replacement for Quicken.
Never heard of Splitter corp. But I know that it is definitely not Google.
The only unusual thing about this rumour was that people still buy it. I expect Google Linux to become it’s own category on Snopes any day now.
How about they release Google Desktop Search for linux first? Or Google Earth? I’d settle for that. They developed it with Qt for crying out loud, so what’s the hold up?
How about they release Google Desktop Search for linux first? Or Google Earth? I’d settle for that. They developed it with Qt for crying out loud, so what’s the hold up?
Hey – maybe that’s what they are using Ubuntu for internally, porting the desktop apps. I hope 🙂
Interesting article on CNNmoney btw:
The more and more I read about the various things that Google has planned, the more and more I keep having flashbacks to a comic called Wildcats 2.0. So much of what they’re doing and the reasoning behind it and what the possible repercussions are gives me those Halo (“Your World, Only Better”) Corp vibes.
I would not rule out an OS at some point, but Google ever gets into the battery business … I’m going to have the serious heebie-jeebies.
You are silly people for falling on this one over and over again.
Google might be close to rolling out a ‘Goobuntu’ Linux desktop distro, has been making the usual rounds in the tech news circuit today. Despite today being earnings release day, presumably a very busy time at the Google press relations office
I am not sure who is ‘source’ of this news. But to me it looks like a hoax spread by Ubuntu people. For last 6-8 months even a developer sneezes at ubuntu workplace and it becomes news on OSN website.
It will be great news if google develops OS because it will be Simplest to use for average joe compared with present state of user-friendly distros.
But look at google products. They All work on windows? why? is it no willingness from google team or just a design flaw in google software which makes incompatible with OSS. experts can explain…
I for one, welcome our new google overloards.
I think the addition of a Google based linux distro would be fun to play with, just to see what mods they have done. Since Google is a power house now and considering web based services and software are the future and free, could this distro compete with the Windows empire considering the popularity of Google?
Geee, it’s the mediahype thing again. Google the hype word and matching with another top hype word “linux”… and then people go off dreaming.
Face a fact here, Google is bigger than the Linux business all together. I can’t see even a reasonable idea why Google should bother about this field where pretty much all players are fiddling around with same solutions under different names.
If Google really wanna do something, go buy Palm, innovate in PalmOS and start offering GPS like services in there, like when driving your car, you’ll get ads for local restaurants and the driving description there… This is true Google style. trying to patch up some RPM crap is simply just everything but Google. Google is known for being simple, easy, no clutter… everything that Linux is in complete contradiction too…
… Linux is the bread and butter behind its search network — but there’s no sensible reason for Google to market its own OS. Linux has practically no presence on the desktop.
Google’s target is not Windows the OS, but the upcoming Windows Live. You can see how in terms of gmail vs the revamped hotmail that WL will include. Whatever Google is cooking up with Sun may perhaps have some bearing on this.
Look at the similarities between Windows Live web portal page and Google’s Personalized Home. There’s little difference.
The two companies are also head to head on gmail vs. hotmail (as I previously mentioned.)
GTalk vs. Windows Live IM.
Microsoft’s use of “Gagdets” is like an online rendition of SuperKarmaba, gDeskletts, Dashboard, Yahoo/Konfabulator widgets.
See http://www.techcrunch.com/2005/11/01/windows-live-more-than-an-ajax…
Also see http://ideas.live.com/
and local.live.com competes with Google maps as well…
So Google installs internally a tweeked UBUNTU, working as a dream only loaded with software people actually use and linked for other programs, updates and patches to Ubuntu. They need this to test there own software.
Users start screaming they want it. Google complies and lets OEMs use it for free.
Google invets not really and becomes a player overnight.