Origami cought some attention this week and now you would expect to see the real thing. Wrong. If you haven’t seen the video on Digital Kitchen [no longer available], you’re out of the picture here.
The new flash on the Origami Project site further hints on the mobility of this thing, but that’s it. We’ll have to wait until the 9th of March for the third flash, and maybe, just maybe, some real Microsoft data on the device.
Origami is paper folding.
Any chance this thing is going to use one of those new flat, flexible LCD screens, like the ones from eInk? I don’t know how you’d run XP on a flat computer, but a fold-up display fits the “never in the way” part.
And if that’s not what it is, it’s what it should be.
MS have deprived Be,inc to make profit with a desktop OS.
When Be switched to IA, they broke the Compaq deal..
And now, it’s 2006, MS will release an IA.. puke
Internet Appliances.. Be developped a lightweight version of BeOS for this kind of devices.
Another hype like this will be the best thing since sliced bread. My bet, this will be another failure in a line of Microsoft’s attempts to get in gadgets’ market. SPOT watch, anyone? Maybe a PocketPC, which practicaly died since MS is incompetent of supporting a product? TabletPC, that was only used on MS conferences, yet I’ve never seen it anywhere else? There is Windows Mobile, that also somehow doesn’t get so popular among phone users (Duh, check Symbian that is way ahead). Shouldn’t they rather spend their money in one area (OS, Office, Servers) and be excellent there instead of being below average everywhere? My 5 cents.
Edited 2006-03-02 15:01
Your 5 cents is not even worth 1. I hate this stupid marketing campaign, but you should at least get your facts together. PocketPC *is* Windows Mobile. Symbian? Are you going to create a Symbian Laptop?
PocketPC – meaning PDA and OS it runs on is Windows Mobile. And while talking about Symbian, I ment OS running on gadgets, learn to read, will ya?
The problem with many of the devices you listed wasnt with the OS, but that they had a limited market. The fact that Tablet PCs are expensive compared to a normal laptop (though prices are getting better) is not Microsofts fault. Nice try though. Contrary to popular zealotry belief, not everything is Microsoft’s fault.
Apparently Chris Pirillo of LockerGnome/TechTV fame has signed an NDA about this device and says to not get sucked in by the hype. And this is a guy that gets excited about tech!
I have to agree. After having seen the first video, it doesn’t look like anything new is brought to the table with this project. Microsoft might be trying to encourage partners to combine some things that weren’t previously put together, but if that’s the case, it seems like an evolutionary project that might only accelerate device development by a few months. Pretty much everything is converging already.
The main theme of the video centers around some kind of device that actually looks more like a children’s toy than something I would be excited to own. The video might just kill any interest that Microsoft had managed to create.
…says “Origami Project: the Mobile PC running Windows XP”
Not very helpful, but it’s still more than you get out of watching the flash videos.
Origami cought some attention this week
should read
Origami coughed some attention this week
Microsofts Origami project : MS finally delivers the documentation the EU requested as more than 200 little animals folded from the papers.
“This is why it took us so long to comply.” a microsoft spokesman said, “The little swans are so difficult to get right.”
The video definitely made me curious… about the music.
Anyone knows what it is?
They said that the video showed a one year old model of this gadget, let’s hope the size/shape have improved substantially, otherwise this doesn’t look all that practical.