For the same reason why I have installed Linux on my iBook: There are people that need a Mac (in this case my girlfriend, who is a film student), but ALSO need Windows or (in my case) Linux for their work, so it just makes live easier to have both systems on one machine.
I “need” to boot XP, or have cedega or something, so I can finish playing all of the games I’ve bought over the past six years… literally the only thing making me keep my XP box.
Some of us can’t stand Digg, really. And comments like “It was on Slashdot/Digg/Ars/Wired in 45 BC” etc are totally pointless. Do you expect everyone to visit the same websites you like?
That was fairly amusing and original, esp. when I REALLY did think for a second when I saw the link that maybe someone had hacked XP to bootstrap on a macbook.
Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.
“Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.”
You do know they can now surgically implant a sense of humor, don’t you? 🙂
Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.
This is the best Apple related story I have seen on OSNews in the last month and there have been a lot of them.
As I was sitting in my cubicle waiting for a meeting request for a conf call which I’m leary about, this was definitely a good pick me up. I got a nice chuckle out of this. The really funny part is that its so basic its funny. The boots a nice style tho, they don’t look like the typical doc martens.
Seriously, given the recent amount of insanity coming from the land down under, I expect an article with something like these headlines soon.
Yes, there is a conspiracy [1]… It involves aliens, ZDNet, CNet, NASA, and us. All those are trying to dethrone His Steveness, using grey aliens in Seattle.
I can just imagine a pair of those boots on top of a stuffed penguin face down. You want to talk about starting up a flame war, that would probably be the way to do it.
I can just imagine a pair of those boots on top of a stuffed penguin face down. You want to talk about starting up a flame war, that would probably be the way to do it.
I laughed my @$$ off being a Linux user. Then the though came across … those are the wrong type of boots. They should have been WWII jack boots the SS wore.
Im really hoping this is a gag
That would be funny if it weren’t so depressing.
(I want to hear it really happen!!!)
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha
I couldn’t believe it already when I saw the headline.
Why would anybody buy a Mac and then try to run XP on it?
It is quite funny though
For the same reason why I have installed Linux on my iBook: There are people that need a Mac (in this case my girlfriend, who is a film student), but ALSO need Windows or (in my case) Linux for their work, so it just makes live easier to have both systems on one machine.
why do you suffer from such a lack of forsight?
I “need” to boot XP, or have cedega or something, so I can finish playing all of the games I’ve bought over the past six years… literally the only thing making me keep my XP box.
– chrish
is this XP sp2 or sp1 ?
Obviously, XP sp2;
There is a pair of’em, and they do look Spit Polished!
(Please! Not The Face!) };-)
Saw it on TUAW last week 😉
Now I have a decent reason for buying a Macbook Pro!
it’s not the guy of the page who’s retarded… You seem to! lol omgwtflol
I needed a good laugh the way my day has been going. Thanks!!!
Geez. It was on digg weeks ago. And it is still not funny!
either way, for those of us who dont read it was good ^_-
Some of us can’t stand Digg, really. And comments like “It was on Slashdot/Digg/Ars/Wired in 45 BC” etc are totally pointless. Do you expect everyone to visit the same websites you like?
Oh come on spooky.
I think it is hysterical…very creative…
It’s late, it’s not funny. To which abyss has OSNews sunk ? Should I go get my OS news somewhere else now ?
Its a joke. Laugh or move on, sheesh.
lighten up a bit, it’s good to have a little humor in your day.
What is wrong with people???
It is an Joke!!!
yay … where can you but those boots
From the Photoshop, I guess
I actually have a similar pair, where do I get the badges? (Sarcasm mode turned OFF)
That was fairly amusing and original, esp. when I REALLY did think for a second when I saw the link that maybe someone had hacked XP to bootstrap on a macbook.
(So are those the official XP Boots?)
Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.
My God, people here are such squares. It’s in the humor category. If you can’t take a joke, then please ignore the items with the humor icon. Sheesh.
Don’t make fun of Macs, that’s blasphemy, you heathen. 😛
Yeah you are right. Its a joke and many of them didn’t understand it.
“Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.”
You do know they can now surgically implant a sense of humor, don’t you? 🙂
Err, is this something that should be posted on OSNews? Funny it may be, but it’s not exactly what I visit OSNews for. As irritating as that water on Mars thing.
This is the best Apple related story I have seen on OSNews in the last month and there have been a lot of them.
I’m just surprised nobody is calling fake since it’s an obvious ‘shop.
As I was sitting in my cubicle waiting for a meeting request for a conf call which I’m leary about, this was definitely a good pick me up. I got a nice chuckle out of this. The really funny part is that its so basic its funny. The boots a nice style tho, they don’t look like the typical doc martens.
I am certain that the good folks at ZDNet Australia will be publishing a story about this soon. I can imagine a few headlines:
1. Mac OSX Hacked AGAIN: Hackers get XP to boot on a Mac
2. Hackers find Mac OSX is just Windows XP in disguise
3. Mac OSX Upgraded to Windows XP
4. Apple shamed, Windows XP boots on a MacBook Pro
Seriously, given the recent amount of insanity coming from the land down under, I expect an article with something like these headlines soon.
Seriously, given the recent amount of insanity coming from the land down under, I expect an article with something like these headlines soon.
Yes, there is a conspiracy [1]… It involves aliens, ZDNet, CNet, NASA, and us. All those are trying to dethrone His Steveness, using grey aliens in Seattle.
The truth is out there. Follow the white rabbit.
How you got from my use of “insanity” to your thinking I was saying “conspiracy” is beyond me.
How you got from my use of “insanity” to your thinking I was saying “conspiracy” is beyond me.
Lighten up, I was joking
Sadly those headlines flow upstream to their zdnet U.S. sites.
Now that made me laugh, thanks
This idea could be extended to a “Windows XP boots on [anything]” site.. with pictures of boots on toasters, heavy machinery, wristwatches and so on..
Ha! That’s a great idea.
Windows XP boots on puppies
Windows XP boots on grandmothers
Windows XP boots on linux
Windows XP boots on TI calculators
Windows XP boots on linux
I can just imagine a pair of those boots on top of a stuffed penguin face down. You want to talk about starting up a flame war, that would probably be the way to do it.
I can just imagine a pair of those boots on top of a stuffed penguin face down.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a .. err .. a penguin .. or something — for ever.
I can just imagine a pair of those boots on top of a stuffed penguin face down. You want to talk about starting up a flame war, that would probably be the way to do it.
I wonder are they flame retardant?
“Windows XP boots on grandmothers “
In some religions that’s called demonic posession 😉
fell for it too,. got a good laugh out of that one
Great Adam!!!
I want to see windows xp Boots on C64
That’s about as exciting as the discovery of water on mars.
Lighten up! That was funny! 🙂
I heard it’s a two step process.
I heard it’s a two step process.
Actually, it’s a three step process; one step forward, two steps back.
Did you open the link?
alas, I had the misfortune of checking the comments before opening the link. … Now I get it…. … oh well… A for artistic effort.
Hahaha this is hilarious
I know this is the humor section but.. when did this place become digg?
Does the blue screen of death now happen after you kick an LCD monitor?
I wonder is there a vulnerability in the boots which lets water in?
Can bots be installed which take control and have you walking into stores which sell fake Rolexs or v1aga?
Think sillier 😉
This proves that geeks should stay with what they’re good at (programming or something).
Leave the jokes to the funny people!
It’s late, it’s not funny. To which abyss has OSNews sunk ? Should I go get my OS news somewhere else now ?
Probably somewhere where everyone else lacks a sense of humour as well. That way you’ll fit in. =)
Made me howl with laughter after a screwy day at work.
man at first I kinda got caught off guard as I was expecting a report of some guy that managed to *really* get the OS to boot.
But man this is some funny stuff … can’t stop laughting
I call BS, they clearly used a Vista sole….
I laughed my @$$ off being a Linux user. Then the though came across … those are the wrong type of boots. They should have been WWII jack boots the SS wore.
Edited 2006-03-08 23:48
Ok, I know it’s joke. I like jokes. But this one isn’t funny.
*lol* good one
Who cares? Yawn….
Just another platform for everyone’s favorite virus to run on.
Does anyone know the brand of those boots? Minus the microsoft and windows touches, they’re nice.
Well, I don’t know what brand these are, but the style is called “Harness Boots”. Check your local biker shop for details.
well i had a good laugh but i guess i laughed to loudly because my post was modded down lol
Good! Very good!
I’ve spend a lot of time to understand what exactly is funny (english is not my language). But now I’m finally understood!

Shoot the messenger, indeed.