Linus Torvalds has released Linux 2.6.16 today. “Not a lot of changes since -rc6, but there’s various random one-liners here and there (a number of Coverity bugs found, for example), and there are small MIPS and PowerPC updates. It looks like both Fedora and SuSE end up using a kernel that is pretty close to this 2.6.16 release, so let’s all hope it’s good. Give it a good testing, please.”
Will need this patch
with this kernel?
mines broken in 2.6.15
There are a few emu10k1 fixes in the Changelog, I’d say it’s worth a try. (I don’t have one, sorry)
Odd…I’ve got a SB Audigy (rev 4) and it’s working fine with 2.6.15.
In the worst case scenario you could skip the kernel’s alsa support and install the latest version (or earlier ones if the latest doesn’t work) from if you still have trouble.
Don’t have a Sound Blaster Audigy card , but the emu10k1 driver works fine for my Sound Blaster Live! card. Wouldn’t surprise me to learn that there are small differences between versions of the card which may be just enough to cause the driver to fail for some cards. A while ago, I had to scrap the Dell OEM sound card in my computer that carried the same SB Live! label but for which the kernel driver would not work. The same retail bought card worked fine however! Now, I see that there is an OEM version of the kernel driver.
And what part of your brain told you to go and buy a card thet you KNEW didn’t work?
I shouldn’t honor rude responses with replies, but here it goes anyway. The point isn’t that the SB Live! card didn’t work with the kernel that was then current. The point is that the retail and OEM versions are different in spite of their labeling. I suspected that the problem was with Dell’s version of the card, and I wanted to test this, and I was right. And in the case of the correspondent above the problem again maybe with the OEM or some unadvertised difference between the card he actually has and the retail version of that card for which the kernel driver was written.
It was not my intention to be rude. It was meant as a joke.
I guess I’m just cranky tonight.
Moral: Don’t post when you’re mad!
I also had problem with my Dell OEM card that I got from an older PC. It would not work in 2.6.15 but when using the 2.6.16 kernel it works with no problem.
Must say though that the same problem exist in windows. Windows XP does not recognise this card by itself. You need to install the drivers from a CD.
Also I feel it is more stable. I have stability problems with the Ubuntu dapper kernel on my pc. I read that the kernel in Ubuntu has problems with SATA drives, I do not know if it is a 2.6.15 vanila problem or if it is an Ubuntu issue, anyhow 2.6.16 works much better.
“And what part of your brain told you to go and buy a card thet you KNEW didn’t work?
I have had the card since sometime in 2002.
It has worked with the following:
Red Hat Linux 9.0
Fedora Core 3
Fedora Core 4
Gentoo 2005
Ubuntu 5.04
Ubuntu 5.10
Ubuntu 6.04alpha
I think my brain is working just fine.