Normally only paid members get to beta test future Linspire releases, but the Italian branch of Linspire has opened the Italian beta program for Linspire 5.1 for everyone. Now, the catch obviously is that, well, everything’s Italian, but with some guesswork and a dictionary you’ll get there. Italian has a good one-to-one correspondence between vowels/consonants and sounds, so pronunciation shouldn’t be too hard.
could not find a better article to post. i think the article form titled Microsoft set to attact linux with patents, would of been better choice instead the italian linspire article.
“could not find a better article to post. i think the article form titled Microsoft set to attact linux with patents, would of been better choice instead the italian linspire article”
I guess you are another one of those that think that the whole world is reduced to the USA and/or maybe the UK…
There are millions of people that live in other countries, and millions that speak other languges. And several of those languages are as spoken or more spoken than English…
I bet the OSNews readers from other nationalities outnumber those from the USA and UK…
Incase you haven’t noticed this is OSNews. Since when does Microsoft make OS? 🙂
Edited 2006-03-31 15:13
Since when does Microsoft make OS?
Could you explain that further? because a MS OS is on 90% of the desktops.
What on earth are you guys rambling about?
Does this question ask us to evaluate something?
Oh my god, is everyone stupid or am I just way too smart?
OS.. Open Source.. uhuh…
(I had to laugh though
Incase you haven’t noticed this is OSNews. Since when does Microsoft make OS? 🙂
OSNews = Operating Systems News. what else would you like me to teach you?
It seems to me it’s very conceivable to mistaken Operating System News (OSNews) for Open Source News (OSNews).
>> OSNews = Operating Systems News.
>> what else would you like me to teach you?
Sigh, you need to drink more beer.
A lot of it. Perhaps you’ll see I (and that other guy) wasn’t serious then
I just submitted this since I know that usually you have to pay for a Gold membership plus pay for insider status to beta test Linspire. Thought it was strange that they seem to open this to everyone?
Of course, please take all this with a grain of salt since it appears I am banned from the linspire forums. I have no idea what I did that got me banned and my posts are still there if you wish to review them? No idea….
I haven’t tried the italian version but think I might or maybe use it to update my current english version and see what happens! Should be fun!
Oh and this is interesting also
notice the OS that is offered!
“Oh and this is interesting also
notice the OS that is offered!”
I have seen how much their top system would cost after *every* possible upgrade, and that is $ 751 (flat screen not included)
That is very good for such a system. Pity they wouldn’t ship it to Europe, I suppose.
Yay! Now I don’t have to pay for linux if I just learn Italian. Wait, what?? :S
Things a little slow at your day job Thom?
Yay! Now I don’t have to pay for linux if I just learn Italian. Wait, what?? :S
Things a little slow at your day job Thom?
Agreed. I don’t like to be one of those people complaining about article relevancy, I’m willing to admit different strokes for different folks and all that, but seriously.
Still, if Linspire can actually garner a posting for the limited release of a free beta for a linux distro instead of requiring you to pay for it, my hat’s off to their marketing people, they’re earning their keep.
Well I didn’t post it thinking it would apply to everyone. Just if it is something you are interested in and wanted a little preview of 5.1 and are willing to figure out a little language situation then you can check it out for free, otherwise just move on please.
I had no problem figuring it out and I am am no cunning linguist
Well, maybe we can get somebody who speaks Italian to give us the lowdown, post some screenies…
Italian is very easy to learn.
Agreed to the “one-to-one correspondence between vowels/consonants and sounds”.
Well I would consider it relevant due to the fact that it is a operating system and is news simply due to the fact that Linspire has always kept beta testing as insider material and that comes with a fairly high price tag, and you have to agree not to share any secrets or talk about any beta outside of the ‘insiders’ forum. And considering Linspire has never produced a no-cost version of their operating system it is pretty shocking when taken in context. Here is not only a no-cost version of the OS but it is a beta of the new version. To get the same ‘stuff’ here in the US it will cost you the operating system, CNR gold, and insider status which I think would run about $200!
And I assure you I am FARRR from the marketing team or anything else. I certainly am not a big Linspire fan but I recognize that everyone has a favorite flavor and if Linspire is yours then here is a good deal. Even when I have a ‘favorite’ I respect other people choices to have their favorite and we can even debate that AS LONG AS it can be done fairly.
As far as it being Italian it is the same as the english version so any good walkthru will get it installed. Heck it is only like five questions/choices if that many so it isn’t hard to get it installed.
It is only a point release so not really any major updates or so forth, just bug fixes, drivers, updated kernel kind of stuff. Good for those with newer hardware than .347 can handle.
I personally think Linspire is working on something that will be out of date by the time they roll it out and they should instead be working on nothing but 6.0 and getting it ready and cutting edge and stable. Are they the new ‘woody’ of the linux world?
pretty boring stuff
kernel 2.6.14
kde 3.3.2
SUPER NICE openoffice – KUDOS!
Seems a little bit snappier than .347 but havent played with it much. Still slow to boot but seems a bit quicker to boot than .347! Nothing amazing, just some behind the scene fixes I think and some tweaking.
apt-get remove cnr*
will uninstall the CNR stuff if you do not want it!
Oh and you can install the italian version, go into control center and select lingui(language I guess) or something like that, change it to english and bobs your uncle – fannys your aunt and magically you are tranformed into a beta tester!