Exactly a whole year passed since we re-launched OSNews last August. This was our first story in the newly redesigned site back then. The old site is also available for browsing, while this was the first version of our redesign. Although OSNews is live since 1997, the site was not updated for many months, until we took over. Immediately after the redesign last August, we were serving around 700 pages per day, but today, we average around 51,000 web pages per day, and it seems that the only way is up! Today, OSNews is among the (pretty) big tech news sites on the web, but we could not have made it without you. So, a big thank you from the OSNews crew to all of you!
You have been doing great work here Eugenia, excelent work!
Thanks Eugenia for your all your hard work…..OSNews is my favorite news site.
I was wondering if the ads system/partnership with Cafepress and Pricegrabber did pay the bill ?
OSnews, news.com, /. , mac/ and macnn.
Osnews is the one that tak about all oses or tries to.
I regret the missing solaris link that should point to solariscentral.com in the “contact us” page.
I also regret some flamewars that are sometime launched here, even if they provide “hits” ….
David has the details about all the ad-stuff on osnews, I am not into it a lot. I think that Pricegrabber in conjuction to the other ads pay the bills (for the main osnews server plus 3 images mirror servers :o), but they only send checks out to their publishers once every 3 months or so. Cafepress does not really help, AFAIK…
….and long live OSNews!
Thank you and keep up the good work Eugenia! (and the other editors too! )
I know this is one of the very few tech sites I visit on a daily, (hourly? basis.
Great work Eugenia. I remember when you were just an html scipt kiddie… who taught whom the ropes?
Just kidding…
Sure is different since benews days, eh girl?
I just want to say congrats on all the hard work you and crew have put in, and let you know that you truly are an inspiration to everyone who uses a computer.
Keep it up!
-Chris Simmons,
Avid BeOS User.
The BeOSJournal.
Tooo youuuuuuuuu! Happy Birthday, toooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Happy Birthday, OSNews.com, Happy Birthday, to youuuuuu!
Well done! Has it really only been a year? Either way, thank you Eugenia for all your hardwork, and support. Keep it up!
I love the site, especially the ones with icon number 20..
Great work, I enjoy all articles, even the one that isnt BeOS.. (Call me traitor)
SO keep up the hard work!
I can only agree. Going with the Internet Explorer terminology, OSNews is certainly one of my ‘favorites’.
Hats off to you. I forget how I found this site and who told me
about it, but I am here most everyday.
Thanks for building a site that many people feel comfortable using.
Thanks for putting up the IMHO best OS related site on the web! Happy birthday!
Thanks for your great work! Long live OSnews! 🙂
Well – it’s always a pleasure visiting OSNews.com…
Thanks + “Hooray!” to Eugenia & the OSNews crew!
You’ve done a superb job. It’s gotten to the point that I read OSNews more tha /. now!
OSNews is excellent these days.
Could I make a couple of suggestions? Go to http://www.ann.lu and view
the comments under Flat view. (Ignore the low standard of the actual
Each comment is numbered and has a link “Reply to this comment”, then
the reply is labelled “In reply to Comment XXX”.
IMO that would work well on OSNews too.
The other suggestion is to have more than 16 comments at a time. 40
would be a better number, IMO. There is too big a jump from 16 to
(perhaps) 106.
You’ve all done an excellent (no, fantastic!) job of creating a very worthy news site. It’s gotten to the point that if I read something interesting that’s OS-related on another site, I check to make sure that OSnews.com is mentioning it … if it isn’t, it’s probably not newsworthy yet
Not to build up everyone’s egos, but this is also my favorite computer site. As I’ve said in the past, this place strikes the perfect between readability and technical content. I read sites like /. and the like, but they don’t have the same structed articles that you see here. Keep up the good work.
Best Site ever!
it isn’t very long 😉
Nice to see your first and last story of the year was about QNX! Keep up the good work, my OS News mug keep my coffee nice and hot! Well done.
Although I do not post here much, I must say this is my favorite computer related news site. And I hourly check to feed my brain with some of your good news!
So, keep it that way!
Congrats guys! You’ve been doing a wonderfull job!
Woah… on avarage I go to osnews 4 times a day (some times less some times more, it should avrage about 4)… so that means i’ve been here about 1 1/2 thousand times!
I check in at least 4 time a day. Keep up the good work!
Sometimes I wish that zealots keep reading /.
I come here every hour…
I really enjoy reading up on all the latest OS news and i spend way more time here than i’m willing to admit 😮
thanks for making such a great news site!
keep up the excellent work Eugenia
Happy birthday.
OSNews really rocks. I love how you guys take the time to feature articles on the little guys, the hobby OSes out there, where /. wouldnt touch with a 10foot pole (well, they did reject counltess Uuu articles). I think i’d be sickened if i saw how many times i refresh this page per day, surely more than twice hourly.
If i could make a suggestion though…i hate the flash ads, they drive me, my browser, and this pathetic attempt of an OS (Win2k) crazy (its sad when a 800Mhz machine has trouble playing mp3s and rendering flash at the same time).
For about 6 months OSNews is my favorite news site,
and I think it will be for a long time.
By the way,
keep in mind that you have fans from Turkey.
Happy birthday…
I love it that practically the very first story on your first redesigned page of September ’01 is about the possibility that Apple will switch to x86. The story that will not die . . .
Congratulations on your anniversary. OSNews is one of my daily “must check” sites, and well deserves a long and bright future.
Congratulations Eugenia and David!! Wow, just a couple of weeks ago you were getting 40,000 pages a day. People are flocking here!
I agree wholeheartedly with what Hank said, that there is a wondrful balance between techie stuff and readibility. And also with whoever said how great it is that OS news covers the “hobby” OS’s and other lesser known ones. That is really full coverage.
For many years I did pretty much what you (Eugenia) are doing at a self help site. I was recently kicked upstairs there <g>. But, I know…I know what needs to be done. Besides the articles you hunt down or that come in, you write editorials, reviews, you are not only here in the daily stories, but all over the forums, you answer people’s emails. And, you *have* to know what you’re talking about! You say you do it for pure fun, but, of course, it is also for pure love of computing and what it can become.
Not too shabby for a girl that grew up in a village of 300 people in Greece, not too shabby at all :-). Someday, I hope my wife and I can meet you and your husband. Fabulous job, Eugenia!!
By the way, those new Power Macs are out and I can’t wait to weigh in on those! <g>
Congrats Eugenia and Happy B-Day osnews.com(!)
– Works in all Browsers and looks good.
– Not too much ads.
– Interesting (and often exclusive) news.
Go on! =)
I was never much into news sites…. until OSNews a couple of months ago. Its actually relevant and interesting. Congratulations on a most excellent editorial job.
Happy birthday!
Congratulations on running a great site! Most other operating system related sites have been exiled to the land of broken hearts and distorted memories, but OSNews is still going strong and getting better each day!
Too bad I had to have my wisdom teeth cut out today, though. 😛
Man, I’ve gotta cut back on that fruit juice. o_0
I don’t check any other tech news sites on the Web. I used to check Amiga.org and BeNews, but OS News is a one-stop shopping.
Not as much garbage as /., the site is easy to keep up with and contains only news relevant to OS and programming, which is what I like.
Keep up the good work!
Plus, OS News doesn’t crash as much as Amiga.org and BeNews used to…
Congrats to OSNEWS
And to Eugenia especially
For growing even quicker than the site!
I love the clear layout and the minimalistic advertising on OSNews
Keep up the good work 🙂
I would send you a cup cake with 1 candle but they don’t take to email very well. You have done a very good job with this site. It really filled the void where benews once was maybe someday there can be a OBOSnews. Never the less, very good job. I’m amazed how you have kept this web sight nice and clean and orginized. Can we expect any changes for it’s birthday?
I think I prefere the looks of the old site.
It doesn’t have all these boxes around everything and it’s much less grey.
thanks for doing such a great job. OSNews has become my favorite technology-related news site over the past few months.
I’m also OSnews addicted! LOL, there is a superior force that keeps me coming back ;>D
Hey, I got hooked about September2001 I think, I had not seen the looks of the old site. The old one LOOKS BETTER THAN THE ACTUAL SITE, black on white, kind of Salon.com like. As a BeOS advocate I favor simplicity over complexity, the old logo looks way cooler also, in the new one the letters are like… making love!!!, I COMMAND YOU TO CHANGE IT BACK.
Three things make OSNews my favorite tech hangout:
1. I like the selection of articles that are published.
2. I really like the design and layout of everything here.
3. There are interesting people who post here.
Eugenia, I have noticed that in the last couple of months you have really tightened your focus toward more topical OS and development articles and you don’t seem to be publishing anymore unrelated ‘oddball’ stuff (emerging quantum encryption products, sci-fi film reviews, etc.) like you sometimes used to. I like this change and think a narrower focus on more predictable subjects will be better for your community here and encourage better discussions, IMHO.
Congratulations on building such a successful site!
I used to read the original OSNews, and was disappointed when slowly faded away. After it didn’t get updated for several months, I just didn’t bother comming here anymore.
I’ve recently rediscovered it, and I’m glad to see you’ve managed to keep the ecclectic, but agnostic, flavor of the original site.
Now that Slashdot has evolved into the Katie Couric of the geek set, it’s nice there’s a site that still really publishes news for nerds.
At least when it comes to OSNews, everyone agrees it’s marvellous. (Unlike different OSes that some people like and other people dislike). I wonder if one could write an OS that will be loved as much as http://www.osnews.com.
Anyway, congratulations, you’re the BEST!
This is one of the few times I don’t mind being in a crowd.
Happy Birthday to OSNews, and many thanks to Eugenia and
the rest of the staff. OSNews is more than a resource; it is