From ActiveWin: “Microsoft Corp. has released the second service pack for Office XP, which will combine previously released and new updates into a single, integrated package that will be available as a Web download or on CD. Office XP Service Pack 2 (SP-2) provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office XP. SP-2 contains significant security enhancements as well as stability and performance improvements. SP-2 updates the following Office applications: Word 2002, Excel 2002, Outlook 2002, PowerPoint 2002, Access 2002, FrontPage 2002, Publisher 2002, and Office XP Web Components.”
about two months to go or so
waiting for the obligatory blue screen of death and data corruption bugs to be fixed. for the people that office is not working for. who is that?
the service pack surely supports additional data sharing facilities, to make sure microsoft can diagnose the problems you are having with your office documents
if it ain’t broke, don’t ever put one of microsoft’s infamous ‘service patches’ aka ‘privacy killers’ on your system
These are Office service packs, not Windows….. big difference. Microsoft never packed a spy ware in a SP for Office.
BTW the service pack is 3 meg larger than the entire GobeProductive install file
“These are Office service packs, not Windows….. big difference. Microsoft never packed a spy ware in a SP for Office.”
Any you know this how? Be more detailed as to why don’t just say “no thats not true” without backing it up. I’m genuinely interested in this response…
Umm look, it is YOU that have to prove anything otherwise I can clain anything and it’s up to you to collect evidence against and sometimes that’s not possible.
But it doesn’t matter because this thread has gone to hell anyway. Way to go socrates!
//BTW the service pack is 3 meg larger than the entire GobeProductive install file
And it’s about 300 times more useful.