Mandriva Corporate Server 4.0 has been released. It is a full, open solution that will let you deploy servers in any environment in just a few minutes. In designing this all new version, Mandriva’s team have retained the features that made version 3.0 a success while adding more strong points. They say.
The deals with the French ( and Moroccan (…) governments, as well as business clients (…) should start to put Mandriva in a good position financially. And the 2007 RCs look pretty sweet too.
Now if only they would make the Club more affordable! At the moment a Silver Club membership costs $132/yr — compared to Linspire’s CNR Gold which is $49.95/yr.
Mandriva may think that they don’t need us ordinary users any more, but the personal products are still where the actual development is done and a significant revenue stream.
I said it already 100 times but will say it another 100 times is necessary.
You don’t have to be a club-member to use Mandriva. They have a free version that has all the features that the Club version has, too, except proprietary stuff that isn’t included but can be added with the PLF repos in some minutes.
I guess that Mandrivas next big server-deals will be made in Latin America. Would not be a bad continent for strengthening their position as an OSS force.
Edited 2006-09-20 20:10