“I had the great honor of interviewing an important person the other day. His name is Ray Arachelian, and he’s the creator of the Apple Lisa Emulator. Without him, there may have never been a way for anyone without a Lisa to see the LOS in action.” A new version of the Lisa emulator has also been released.
Also interesting is this project: a 24 year old Lisa working as a webserver:
It’s not running Lisa OS, instead it runs Mac OS System 7.5.5, but still it’s an impressive demonstration of the hardware capabilities of this little machine older than many of you guys. 🙂
I just love this kind of ‘old school’ projects. If you are like me you might want to check “The Old Apple Webserver Directory” here:
Edited 2007-03-15 10:31
The GUI here definately looks very graceful for it’s time. Probably because it is borne out of a vision of a better way of doing things, instead of just duplicating what everyone else is doing, understanding less and less of why it was done in the first place, reulting in lesser than optimal behaviour, and in practise, something that works against the original vision.
I have a giant room where I have all kinds of computers setup. All day long I do nothing but tinker with all these computers, getting them to talk together, write communication software that lets the Timex Sinclair interface with the TI99/4A.
And DEFINITELY an Apple Lisa is one of them. It’s the workgroup server for the IIGS and the Ataris!
Wake Up! There’s boring work to be done…
> …with the TI99/4A.
Hey I’ve got 2 of those, so let me know when you get Firefox ported.
I don’t know where to find a Lisa ROM and it’s OS for the emulator…does anyone else?
You must have a REAL Lisa in order to dump the ROM and put it on the emulator, as the ROM is (c) by Apple.
so, three solutions :
a) Buy a Lisa from eBay (cost over 1000.00 USD)
b) Wait Lisa ROM to be free from Apple (c) (after 50 or
100 years? I don’t remember the copyright law)
c) Go to Logan, Utah and try to find the 2700 buried Lisa
Definitely one of the best articles linked to by OSNews, evah.