Tonight (19:00 CET), Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs will deliver his keynote speech for the attendants of Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference in San Fransisco. As always, the Mac world is buzzing with rumours. Firstly, a photo taken with a camera phone suggests Apple will release a sub-notebook, with a 10″ LED widescreen, 120GB flashdrive, and a programmable LCD keyboard. Another persistent rumour is that Apple will replace its iMac line with thinner, brushed-metal 20″ and 24″ iMacs. Lastly, a German website claims to have an outline of the keynote speech – this outline confirms the new iMacs, but also has some interesting notes on Leopard: a unified, standard theme (this alone would make the keynote worthwhile for me), a new Finder, resolution independence, and more. As always, take these rumours with a bag of salt.
WOW, the iMac line is being replaced with thinner brushed-metal 20″ and 24″ iMac. Can you imagine how important this to the world of computing.
A sub-notebook? Damn I’ve never seen anything like that. No other company ever released anything like that.
Apple worship is so stupid, and it’s even more embarrassing that a significant portion of so called tech geeks are into stupidity like this ‘article’. Why publish these rumors? There is no point in them whatsoever. When Jobs does the keynote, then you have something solid to talk about.
These kind of articles are just fluff. Publish something interesting (even if it is just speculation), how about something like possible rumors into the nature of the iPhone kernel? Or maybe speculation about Google’s integration into the iPhone? A comparison of Apple’s package managment vs Windows vs apt. Something interesting, not retarded fanboyism.
The keynote is in 2 hrs time.
The content of it will _be_ the news for the next week, it’s almost unavoidable.
Everybody, Mac users and especially not, are going to have to put up with weeks of speculation articles, so called “analysts” and smug gits paid to write the obvious, or pointless.
I only enjoy the keynote itself, the aftermath is always a nuclear winter of retardation.
Is there going to be live video feed this time?
In which case… link?
Heck no, not even Akami would have that kind of bandwidth. Live textual (AJAX) coverage is going on at Engadget, and a number of other places.
Apple then tend to make the stream available on the Quicktime website some hours later, or within the next few days.
I don’t see how my post contains personal attacks/spam/off-topic comments. Apple fans are out in full I guess. Can’t argue with me so you are going to mod me down?
I modded it back up since it doesn’t break any specific rule, but I would avoid the following kind of comments:
I would change it to read:
“Something interesting, not alternative-education-inspired fanpersonism“
I don’t see how my post contains personal attacks/spam/off-topic comments. Apple fans are out in full I guess. Can’t argue with me so you are going to mod me down?
It wasn’t me, but really the whining about Apple article posts is just as tiresome as the fanboyism.
If you don’t like it, it’s quite obvious it’s an Apple article; don’t click on it.
Edited 2007-06-11 16:46
I like how you view the world in a polar manner. You know the whole “You’re with us or against us!” Just because I criticized something indirectly related to Apple, you automatically assumed that I am anti-Apple. Never mind that I was criticizing the ‘rumor’ aspect of this ‘article’.
For your information, I am not particularly fond of Apple. I see them as selling the same old x86 computers for $200 extra. But hey, everyone is different. Unlike you, I don’t engage in partisan stupidity. I am more than happy to read Apple-related articles as long they are interesting and concern technology, not marketing and hype.
You’re right; you’re original post was riddled with such negativity it was wrong of me to assume where that negativity was directed at.
You probably where moded down for “personal attacks/offensive language”. I would consider “retarded fanboyism” to be offensive.
Or it could have been for being off topic since your post was mainly a rant on apple news and didn’t really add anything to the discussion.
But lets not fill this discussion with more off topic post, why your post was modded down is really not interesting.
And a big fat, raspberry to you.
Since it’s been about a decade since Apple released a subnotebook, and since I am interested in subnotebook sized computing devices that don’t run windows, I’m interested in this story and don’t consider it fluff.
The fact that the aleged slide also shows that it’s going to have flash memory and not a hard drive also piques my interest.
Agree entirely.
Mac represents a completely different ecosystem.
Besides, I do enjoy style and most Windows notebooks
lack it in my opinion (HP is a prime example).
Have you seen the ASUS/Intel Eee PC? It is a $199 subnotebook that runs on non-Windows OSs, and uses flash storage, too:,1895,2141742,00.asp
In regards to Wintermute’s sarcasm and criticism regarding the rampant licking of Steve Jobs boots, I have to agree — Mac fanboys are pathetic. They are gushing over an upcoming announcement about nothing more than a few restyled computers, perhaps some software and maybe an mp3 player or a cell phone.
When you talk about subnotebooks and flash memory functioning as HDD, does this interest you in a technological context, or just alleged integration into Apple products?
I am asking this because your statement about “subnotebook sized computing devices that don’t run windows” doesn’t really make sense. Vast majority of subnotebooks are based on x86 and you can install anything you want on it, from Linux and cracked OS X. If you really wanted to, you could try messing around with something more exotic like visopsys, though finding drivers for something like an integrated webcam might be a pain. But you probably just wanted an Apple subnotebook…
Would a presentation on the theoretical aspects of microkernels with a filename of ‘Apple Microkernel’ stir your interest just like the flash memory HD presentation?
Vast majority of subnotebooks are based on x86 and you can install anything you want on it, from Linux and cracked OS X.
Cracked OS X is not an option.
Linux — and everything will “just work” right out of the box without me having to go to the command line?
(FYI, I am also looking at the Palm Foleo.)
And yes, if an article about a new Apple microkernel had been posted to OS News, I’d’ve read it.
Cracked OS X is not an option.
Linux — and everything will “just work” right out of the box without me having to go to the command line?
I thought the aspect that interested you was running an alternative to windows on a subnotebook? Guess not, what you really meant to say was that you wanted a subnotebook from Apple.
“And yes, if an article about a new Apple microkernel had been posted to OS News, I’d’ve read it.”
LOL, I was implying you could be excited by anything (even it has nothing to do with Apple/OS X) as long it had Apple in it’s filename.
Wintermute —
I run Xubuntu 6.06 on a Pismo Powerbook at home. For the most part, everything did, just work. I use and like this machine. However, if I try to install *buntu on my less than 1 year old Dell e1405, I can guarantee that things will not “just work”.
However, neither machine is something I’m going to take on the road, or at least not on to the con floor.
I am interested in 3 things for a subnotebook:
1) Light weight. I have a bad back and need something that’s small and less than 2 pounds.
2) Battery life. I need a miniumum of 5 hours — standard.
3) Instant wake from sleep.
4) Not Windows. Like I said, I was also looking at the Palm Foleo which will be running a flavor of Linux.
I have read several articles/reviews about people installing various Linuxes on subnotebooks. The results are always mixed. Several things don’t work. The battery life is shortened. Several things take a great deal of work to get going. (That that I wouldn’t set it up as a dual boot for the entertainment value.)
That is NOT what I want in my subnotebook. If I’m going to be posting live from a convention floor I need light weight, long battery life, and “just works”.
I am a consumer looking to make an informed choice, who is excited that she may have other options headed her way.
Or in the immortal words of Frank Pembelton: “Please stop being an idiot. Thank you.”
“Apple worship is so stupid”
You just dont get it do ya? we dont warship apple! Contrary to what has been said, this is not a religion! (Apple haters may have here own religion, though) It is, however, very excite to see what they (apple) does next. In the face of all there adversaries, Apple still can draw a croud like no other company and makes such a big impact that every one out there tries to out do them with “better copies” of apple stuff.
Actually, i dont know what is more exciting, watching apple, or watching the apple haters whine, and the copycats…. well… copy!
I just want Leopard news that isn’t a complete let down like before. The iPhone I could not care less about. It’s not going to be in Europe for an age, it’ll be well overpriced ($1=£1) and probably locked to a natty contract and provider meaning I can’t keep my SIM/Number.
In the UK, you can keep your mobile number across mobile networks and have been able to for a number of years. You’ll probably have to pay something like £20-£30 to do it though.
Yes, but this is the iPhone – lock-in central.
And treated like a criminal. Isn’t this an outrage?
1:15h till the magick show!
You’ll still be able to port your number- all the number stuff is done by the network and OfCom, not Apple.
In Belgium its been illegal to sell locked phones for many years now. If it comes to Belgium, you’ll pay full retail and connect it to whatever network you feel inclined to use.
I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like any of the rumours that are floating around, including those listed in the summary, are appropriate for at Developers conference.
I’m thinking (hoping) we’ll see things more along the lines of an iPhone SDK or new OSX api. You know, something that developers would actually care about. I can’t imangine a developer paying big bucks to attend a developer’s conference would care about slimmer iMacs and the like.
LED keyboard aye?….sounds like they are dipping into
territory…. Also, I don’t know how I feel about flash based drives yet. I still think writes are too low to have anything longterm.
I will be assuming it will be a 120GB hybrid based drive with flash for a buffer. Samsung has had these for a year or two. They use reduced power and can increase boot times and app load tiems.
Edited 2007-06-11 17:01
A lot of the stuff they are showing right now is reminding me of Vista. CoreAnimation -> Parts of WPF. Translucent menubar (translucent taskbar in Vista). The wallpaper. Some of the demos, like showing videos playing in a grid. Live Preview in finder. The left-side panel in finder. Just a bit amusing.
Don’t get me wrong though, there is some cool stuff. I’m enjoying seeing the updates.
It might be like Vista – but it’s usable, doesn’t require anything near the same hardware, and won’t cost anything near what Vista does. Leopard is all the aspirations of Vista, done right.
Huh, I could swear you had to pay like $129 for each new upgrade to OSX, which come out almost yearly. I guess I was wrong.
It doesn’t matter if it’s “usable”, or anything like that. The point is that Apple likes to use that “Start your photocopiers” crap, then come out with some Vista-like stuff. It’s not the latter that I’m really commenting about, but the former and the hypocrisy. Companies SHOULD copy each other though.
Everything in Vista was already present in Tiger, released in early 2005 – making it two years since the last release not “yearly”.
The fact is that Mac OS has become an Operating System done right. Linux aspires to be as easy as OS X, and Windows aspires to be as efficient as OS X.
From the live feed : “Leopard shipping in October. Basic version, $129. Premium version, $129. Business version, $129, Enterprise version $129. Ultimate version, $129.”
It doesn’t matter if it’s “usable”, or anything like that. The point is that Apple likes to use that “Start your photocopiers” crap, then come out with some Vista-like stuff.
Ugh, actually it’s the other way ’round, really.
Nevertheless, I really think the press’ attitude towards rumours like these just suck. Hell, if I write something like “Apple to launch banana-shaped telephone iBanana” on my blog and quote a “source inside Apple who wishes to remain anonymous”, it’ll be minutes before people start wondering what OS will iBanana run and whether it will have a Firewire port.
Press should be about information. Rumours have a well-deserved place in written press — tabloids — and they should fscking stay there. This is not journalism. It’s a word starting with C, and it’s not “car”.
“We have expertise with iTunes” – Jobs
I love comedy.
“You have Safari, use it”.
A.k.a.: Use AJAX