Apple’s “Breakthrough Device”, Not So Revolutionary?

From Wired News: Apple on Tuesday will unveil a new portable electronic device that allows people to listen to digital music files away from the computer, according to sources familiar with the company. The device — called the iPod — can be synched with the computer using a high-speed cable connection that allows consumers to download their music into a portable system, which can then be accessed by either a car or home stereo system. Last Wednesday, Simple Devices released a wireless platform that allows users to stream MP3 files from a personal computer to home or car stereo systems. Motorola will roll out a wireless receiver for home stereos that runs on the new Simple Devices platform.Our Take: I am amazed that this was introduced as a “breakthrough device” by Apple’s marketing. I mean, I already use something oh-so-similar for a year now! This is “Be in your Stereo“, written by Stephen van Egmond, a BeOS developer, in his spare time. “Be in your Stereo” is a plugin to SoundPlay (an extremely advanced BeOS sound player) that scans BFS volumes for digital music files. It builds a cross-referenced index of collections based on Artist, Genre, Year, and Album mp3/BFS attributes, then serves up views of the track list and collection via HTTP. It is ideal for building a home audio server. With the plugin, you can park a BeOS machine with a modest CPU, quiet fan, networking, audio and storage hardware next to your stereo, and manipulate it from anywhere on your home network. The plugin plays nice with the LiveEncoder included with SoundPlay, so you can easily set up your own radio station. It lacks the additional hardware that Apple will provide but at least the application is a free, complete alternative to Simple Devices’ software platform. Or am I missing something?


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