WindowWatch Reviews Libranet GNU/Linux 2.7

Libranet is Canada’s foremost Linux distribution. They have succeeded where others have failed. As far as I know, they are the only commercial distribution based on Debian left standing. Perhaps their success is due to the added value they provide to what is essentially an easier to use Debian 3.0 release, or perhaps it’s their attention to detail; making the small things easy for new users. They have actively fostered a growing and enthusiastic user community that willingly participates in their beta releases and in educating users new to both Libranet and Debian. People from Libranet also interact very openly with the user community paying attention to their praises and concerns. Whatever it is that they do right it seems to be paying off.” Read the review at WindowWatch.


  1. 2002-10-09 6:49 pm
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  15. 2002-10-10 2:01 am
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  19. 2002-10-10 12:14 pm
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  21. 2002-10-10 9:08 pm
  22. 2002-10-11 2:06 am