The History of the Teapot

“As anyone who is into 3D computer graphics knows, there is something mysterious and special about The Teapot. It’s not just any teapot – it’s ‘the’ teapot. The teapot was made by Melitta in 1974 and originally belonged to Martin Newell and his wife, Sandra – who purchased it from ZCMI, (a department store in Salt Lake City). The teapot was eventually donated to the Boston Computer Museum but now resides in the Ephemera collection of the Computer History Museum. It’s cataloged as ‘Teapot used for Computer Graphics rendering’ and bears the catalog number X00398.1984.”


  1. 2008-02-27 9:43 pm
    • 2008-02-28 3:14 am
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  3. 2008-02-28 8:49 am
  4. 2008-02-28 1:25 pm
  5. 2008-02-28 5:13 pm
  6. 2008-02-28 9:49 pm