Comic: “OS Risk”.

This is OS Risk. Download the complete board [1750×1241 .jpg]. Rules and description are located on the board. Enjoy.
Comic: “OS Risk”.
This is OS Risk. Download the complete board [1750×1241 .jpg]. Rules and description are located on the board. Enjoy.
Hehe.. My guess based on the map shown in the comic is that those OSnews readers who get offended by the comic this time could be those who are living in Alaska and other northwestern parts of North America??
I live in NetBSD country! Nice!!!
Looks like I’m a Windows 2008 Server zealot. And I certainly never expected to have occasion to say that on this site!
Oh well. Could be worse. Looks like RMS is a Windows NT zealot. Expect an email. 😉
i feel like saying “what the f… is syllable”, just for the hell of it
and first time i played risk i overlooked the foresight to 95 line…
Edited 2008-03-13 00:51 UTC
That must have taken a while to draw and lay out.
Not really. I used to draw detailed and MUCH larger maps of imaginary worlds – those took days and days to make.
This one was done in under 40 minutes.
nice map, like the previous poster said, that must have taken time…
I quite offended that you think that I live in MacOS land.
Hey, I am very happy that I live in OS X land!!!!! Actually, I can’t quite work out if Adelaide is in the eastern part on that map or the west. I’m guessing the west as the divider looks like it follows the South Australian borders…
Wonder if I should print this and try playing… I’m sure I can finally get OS X to dominate the world – <insert evil laugh here>
Did you forget about XP?
XP is the ocean. 😉
I live in SkyOS, but i’m moving to ReactOS. It’s a bit less stable but i heard the weather is good there!
Hmm, I live in SkyOS and I don’t even know anything about it.
I lived in Syllable for a while, too. I was actually working at the same company as the guy who created AtheOS, from which Syllable was forked.
Edited 2008-03-13 10:10 UTC
Windows? All of North America is Windows? Come on, couldn’t you of at least made Red Hat/Fedora a Rhode Island sized piece so we don’t have to be 100% Windows? Their American aren’t they?
We aren’t all evil MS users!
Don’t worry, the southern part of California is WINE country…
I live on the border of Vista and Server 2003, looks like i am pretty much fckd.
Could we have it on a white background to save ink?
(ReactOS… not bad, it could be worse)
And what is OS Risk without Risc OS?
Interesting how the main OS I use corresponds exactly to where I live in the USA in real life, Windows 2000/Michigan
Does this mean that if you play with Darl McBride, he gets to start with all of Asia under his control?
Hey Thom, nice work with this comic. I loved playing Risk when I was growing up. This is definitely a nice twist.
I think I’m doing a focus shift myself too. I’ve stopped reading the articles, and look at the comics only now.
… without a country, he he he. Where is The Philippines Thom?
ROFL,LMAO, etc etc. This is brilliant. And as any experienced Risk player knows; if you get australia early you get the win. Now all we need are the cards!!!
Edited 2008-03-17 07:28 UTC