“The Fedora distribution has a reputation for innovation, and the new Fedora 9, released today, is no exception. With features that range from easy filesystem encryption to support for the ext4 format, it includes a wide range of features that are likely to become standard in other distributions in the next six months. But for Paul W. Frields, who became Fedora project leader in February, what distinguishes the release is less the technology than the community that supports it, and how the technology contributes to the larger free software world.”
I have to say I am impressed with Fedora9 it is one word awesome!
Tons of features and customization that is out of this world.
The packages available is non-stop and the boot time is fast, along with performance.
I can’t wait to try this installed on a laptop with a solid state hard drive.
It is true that it does offer quite a lot of punch for a nicely polished release. I have it running on my eeepc. I used the madwifi drivers to get the wireless going. I installed XFCE to cut down on the overhead a little. Running Fedora 9 from the solid state eee drive responds quickly. It must be something about the architecture of the eeepc because it is snappier feeling than the Athlon 1.3 Gig Hz Fedora 8 box I have. The only slightly disappointing annoyance is the lack of Nvidia drivers since Fedora 9 uses Xorg 1.5.