Home > Comics > Eee Eee Thom Holwerda 2008-05-28 Comics 12 Comments Comic: “Eee”. About The Author Thom Holwerda Follow me on Mastodon @[email protected] 12 Comments 2008-05-28 5:59 pm TommyD Grandpa Xerox is very proud! 2008-05-28 6:08 pm SoloDeveloper In MY day, we only had a black and green text screen, and we had to login in binary encoded assembly, and we LIKED IT! LOL. So that is where Eee’s come from. cool. 2008-05-28 6:12 pm Ringheims Auto Thanks, man, gave me a laugh. Or should I say, gave me a LOL. 2008-05-28 6:38 pm TommyD Thanks, man, gave me a laugh. Or should I say, gave me a LOL. For me it was an LIQ, but good nevertheless. 2008-05-28 6:40 pm Kalessin because I don’t get it at all…. 2008-05-29 12:22 am TaterSalad You see, when two computers fall in love…. 2008-05-28 6:48 pm sonic2000gr If my eeepc is a child of Apple+Acer, will it also grow? I’d like to wake up one and find my eeepc sporting a 9inch screen 2008-05-28 6:52 pm WereCatf I didn’t even know you make new computers like this :O Darn, I gotta rent a 50″ plasma screen and some very VERY high-end gaming machine and mate them together ;D 2008-05-29 9:58 pm John Blink No you got it wrong. That Apple was unfaithful, and slept with the neighbours ASUS. ACER = “Apple…that bitch!” 2008-05-28 9:37 pm Kroc I have one little one, and another on the way They come with some retarded Xandros thing, so Ubuntu goes on, and then all is well. 2008-05-29 2:00 pm jack_perry That’s the first one I’ve understood in a long time. I haven’t even understood a lot of the ones that were subsequently explained. 2008-06-01 4:08 pm Lu-Tze What was really funny! Thanks.
Grandpa Xerox is very proud!
In MY day, we only had a black and green text screen, and we had to login in binary encoded assembly, and we LIKED IT!
So that is where Eee’s come from. cool.
Thanks, man, gave me a laugh. Or should I say, gave me a LOL.
For me it was an LIQ, but good nevertheless.
because I don’t get it at all….
You see, when two computers fall in love….
If my eeepc is a child of Apple+Acer, will it also grow? I’d like to wake up one and find my eeepc sporting a 9inch screen
I didn’t even know you make new computers like this :O Darn, I gotta rent a 50″ plasma screen and some very VERY high-end gaming machine and mate them together ;D
No you got it wrong.
That Apple was unfaithful, and slept with the neighbours ASUS.
ACER = “Apple…that bitch!”
I have one little one, and another on the way
They come with some retarded Xandros thing, so Ubuntu goes on, and then all is well.
That’s the first one I’ve understood in a long time. I haven’t even understood a lot of the ones that were subsequently explained.
What was really funny! Thanks.