Mandriva and Precedent Technologies (PTech) are pleased to announce a new partnership, working together on the release in September in the United States of a new low-cost desktop – the TechSurfer – with Intel Atom CPUs and Mandriva Linux preinstalled. TechSurfer is a web-centric computing platform that is designed for customers who mostly surf the web; download music; and utilize VOIP services, such as Skype. The TechSurfer platform is also suitable for light desktop applications. TechSurfer is powered by the Intel Atom processor. The Atom processor was designed especially for web-centric computers. TechSurfer prices starts at $399.99 with Mandriva Linux pre-installed: Microsoft Windows will cost an extra $100. The system will come with a three-year manufacturer’s warranty. Find out more in the press release.
Editor’s note: Looks like Mandriva is taking full-advantage of the Low-cost hardware arena. First the Intel’s ClassmatePC then the GDium and now PTech.
As I’ve said many times, Mandriva (aka Mandrake) really should get the credit for bringing us the easy-to-use Linux Desktop. They’ve been doing it for years. Hopefully, this will give them a good financial boost. A few years back, I was really worried about them. I supported them for a couple years as a Club Member, and now as a Powerpack Subscriber (after they ended the paid club membership).
I think the key to all of these new Linux pushes (EeePC, OLPC, Dell, etc) is OOB – out-of-box experience. Hoepfully they have the support staff to see new users through the rough spots. This is an area where Linux can really shine. Microsoft doesn’t really support the end-users of its OS. The OEM’s do, and their record is pretty spotty. If the companies like Canonical, Mandriva, etc. can give users real support, that would be a real plus over the competition.
I wonder if it would be feasible to build in remote support for some of these devices. Obviously some privacy folks would freak, but it should be easy to remove – perhaps only enable it at first boot after prompting the user (maybe an icon on the desktop). This might help some people if they get stuck. Just an idea!
[EDIT: Spelling]
Edited 2008-07-23 20:43 UTC
I agree that Mandriva is way underrated. Mandriva OS is much better than its market share shows. It’s a shame!
I checked PTech’s website and Mandriva is not mentioned there yet. Only you-know-who. PTech may be a small company but you can insert it in the plus column.
Very few people realize that Mandriva goes the extra mile whenever possible. They were the first to have NTFS resize in install and they brought Metisse (a true 3D desktop) to the lime light.
Given that Dell sells low cost desktops for $299 I find the pricing rather unimpressive.
It is particularly poor if the specs are the same as this:…
These specs are inferior to the lowest cost Dell, apart from perhaps the more sensible Atom processor.
If Windows XP is ordered in addition, the price is only $100 lower than the Mac mini, which we all know is not a ‘low cost option’ but still includes more memory, a Core 2 Duo and an optical drive.
You need to add a 3 years warranty to your cheap Dell or Apple to be fair.
Fretinator wrote: “They’ve been doing it for years.”
Indeed we have; ten years today, in fact.
I’d already submitted two MDV stories to OSNews today so I didn’t want to send another, but today is the 10th anniversary of Linux-Mandrake 5.1:…
I also noticed that Precedent’s site doesn’t mention MDV at all yet. I’ve mailed our PR department about this to see if there’s anything they can tell me about that.
Happy Birthday! I started using Linux-Mandrake when the McMillan Edition came out – it came with a book. What version was that?
Happy birthday “Mandriva Linux”. I think I started late. My first introduction was with Mandrake 8.0 (I think it was in 2002).
fret: I honestly don’t know. I’d guess somewhere around 8.x.
I found it, it was version 6.0:…
See? I told you I didn’t know
I dunno, if Dell produces on that EeePC-ripoff mini laptop and sells it for $299, I can’t see this thing selling very well for $399.99.