Test of the Preemptible Kernel Patch

Linux was originally written as a general-purpose operating system without any consideration for real-time applications. Recently Linux has become attractive to the real-time community due to its low cost and open standards. In order to make it more practical for the real-time community, patches have been written to affect such things as interrupt latency and context switch. These patches are public domain and are becoming part of the main Linux tree. LinuxJournal tests the preemptible patch.


  1. 2002-10-28 10:21 pm
  2. 2002-10-28 11:36 pm
  3. 2002-10-28 11:42 pm
  4. 2002-10-29 12:00 am
  5. 2002-10-29 3:54 am
  6. 2002-10-29 7:11 am
  7. 2002-10-29 8:17 am
  8. 2002-10-29 3:16 pm
  9. 2002-10-29 5:53 pm
  10. 2002-10-30 12:00 am