“The number and gee-whizness of features Sun Microsystems is putting into updates to both the Solaris 10 commercial operating system and the related OpenSolaris development release of Solaris are slowing. That’s the best indication that Nevada – the code name for Solaris Next or Solaris 11 or whatever you want to call it – is getting closer to release. Closer doesn’t mean close, however. According to sources speaking to The Reg, Sun is quietly telling customers that Solaris 11 is targeted for launch sometime around the middle of 2010.”
as I said in another post to another topic, “it’s going ot be good. soooo good”
I mean it. Oracle wants to be the best solution possible, and Solaris is onc kick butt on to build their stack on. Solaris is going ot get quite a bit of love from Oracle . it’s going to be good folks, real good.
(and for those fearfull, MySQL will be developped too as it works at a different marketshare and Oracle knows it) They want both pieces of the puzzle.
The preceding announcement was brought to you by the Global Alliance of Wishful Thinkers in coordination with the World Association for Positive Thinking.
The codebase can be forked so it doesn’t really matter what Oracle does.
Oracle can withdraw development resources and infrastructure. People always wave their hands cavalierly and say, “Oh it can just be forked.” Developer resources are not so plentiful as some seem to believe. Probably the most common phrase I hear in the FOSS world is “Our project needs more devs”. And Oracle could very well pull that support. MySQL would no doubt continue. But its development would likely be stunted. And it’s not like MySQL is already a full-featured enterprise class DBMS. (And anyone who thinks so is in serious need of a reality check.) It still has a hell of a lot of development needed to add required features and bring the ones it has to maturity.
Oracle could do *a lot* to cripple MySQL… forks or no.
Edited 2009-05-02 02:36 UTC
Even if they were to fork it, and enough devs came onboard, it would still mean the end of Opensolaris as it exists now. The two codebases would diverge in a relatively short time, possibly marking the end of the cooperation between the two branches. Opensolaris would likely not get features from Oracle Solaris, and neither would Oracle’s Solaris integrate much from Opensolaris, and thus would Opensolaris end in spirit if not in fact.
It was nice while it lasted. I’m hoping Oracle will surprise us, but I’m not holding my breath. There’s really no advantage for their business by continuing to support anything related to Opensolaris, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see new features in Solaris become proprietary.
I don’t care about OpenSolaris. Its a joke at best and might as well die.
You quoted my entire comment just to say that? So… you don’t appreciate competition in the open source os ecosystem, then? The death of any open source platform I find to be a tragity, and Opensolaris especially so since there is a lot of really cool ideas in there. At least zfs and dtrace will be in FreeBSD, if everything else related to Opensolaris dies. But seeing a platform just really starting to open up only to be snapped up and probably closed again really stinks, especially one as well-designed as Solaris is.
I don’t doubt that, but will they continue to keep it somewhat open or will this be the end of Opensolaris?
Probably it does mean the end of OpenSolaris. Oracle doesn’t do FOSS unless they have to (see brtfs, which is only GPL because that’s the only way they could get it into the Linux kernel) Chances are that the freeware (non-OSS) builds of “full” Solaris are toast also. Oracle doesn’t like free (as in speech or as in beer)
give it a few more weeks and you will see what i mean