Building, installing OpenSolaris in 100 pictures

This site has created a rather large collection of OpenSolaris (Nevada build 16) screenshots. Screenshots guide you through the installation process, configuraton, kernel compiling, BFU-ing, etc.


  1. 2005-06-22 7:03 pm
  2. 2005-06-22 7:09 pm
  3. 2005-06-22 7:20 pm
  4. 2005-06-22 7:20 pm
  5. 2005-06-22 7:55 pm
  6. 2005-06-22 7:56 pm
  7. 2005-06-22 8:03 pm
  8. 2005-06-22 8:04 pm
  9. 2005-06-22 8:11 pm
  10. 2005-06-22 8:37 pm
  11. 2005-06-22 8:48 pm
  12. 2005-06-22 11:20 pm
  13. 2005-06-23 1:23 am
  14. 2005-06-23 1:36 am
  15. 2005-06-23 2:55 am
  16. 2005-06-23 5:12 am
  17. 2005-06-23 5:17 am
  18. 2005-06-23 5:24 am
  19. 2005-06-23 7:07 am
  20. 2005-06-23 11:24 am
  21. 2005-06-23 11:53 am
  22. 2005-06-23 1:30 pm
  23. 2005-06-23 6:03 pm
  24. 2005-06-23 9:53 pm
  25. 2005-06-23 11:10 pm
  26. 2005-06-24 8:07 am
  27. 2005-06-24 10:48 am