Lycoris Build 62 Beta Released

Lycoris Build 62 Beta was released. Joseph Cheek, main developer at Lycoris, wrote a quick changelog: “Kernel printk fix; Mozilla form submit bug fix; Mozilla .rpm mime type fix; new gimp-print, cups 1.1.15; added chown/chmod for give/takeconsole; added newer Gatos ATi drivers; upgraded Autoconf to 2.54 and Automake to 1.5; added Gui devtools install”. Report bugs here.


  1. 2002-11-17 7:05 pm
  2. 2002-11-17 7:27 pm
  3. 2002-11-17 7:30 pm
  4. 2002-11-17 9:01 pm
  5. 2002-11-17 9:42 pm
  6. 2002-11-17 11:26 pm
  7. 2002-11-17 11:33 pm
  8. 2002-11-17 11:42 pm
  9. 2002-11-18 12:18 am
  10. 2002-11-18 12:21 am
  11. 2002-11-18 12:31 am
  12. 2002-11-18 5:43 am
  13. 2002-11-18 7:54 am
  14. 2002-11-18 2:42 pm