Apple maintained a 12 percent lead over Dell, one of the largest gaps between first and second place for any industry. Dell’s position remained the same, while Acer’s Gateway brand rose 3 percent in consumer satisfaction. Hewlett-Packard inched up 1 percent and its Compaq division jumped 6 percent.
When I click on the link, I first have to deal with adding a security exception. Even then, it leads to a non-existant site.
Here’s the correct link:… – LMAO!
Sorry guys, I just couldn’t resist … it reminds of all of this “CleanMyXP”, “CleanMyVista” crap.
That’s the sign …
LOL how much more offtopic can you get??!!??
But let me explain this to you. The GUI OSes (*) started with Xerox using the so-called desktop metaphor; on your (work) desk, you usually have a calculator, a stack of document folders, a typewriter (note: it was in the 1970s), and a trash bin below your desk.
Since GUI OSes are derived from the Xerox Alto workstation, we are still stuck with this desktop metaphor today. That means we experience both its benefits and its downsides. In real life, you also build up a collection of unnecessary documents and empty coffee cups on your desk. It’s simply a consequence of doing work and moving on to other activities.
The same thing goes for operating systems. And *gasp* yes, OSX is an operating system just like Windows. So in functionality they both resemble one another, because the same metaphor applies, especially when they’re even using similar software (e.g., Adobe stuff, browsers, Office), with developers having using the same solution to “dump” data.
So do you want me to tell you a little secret? OSX is not devoid of (tracking) cookies, spyware, temporary files… oh and hey, Mac users even throw files into the trash bin once in a while! You know it clears up disk space if you empty that thing? But I guess Mac users know that already, because Mac OS actually had a trash can before Windows did…
Back to the link you posted; looking at the CleanMyMac screenshots, I must admit it is funny that it lists the amount of junk found in kilobits (**) and megabits. I’ll give these guys a heads up about that, since they seem to really be making an effort to make their products and site look good.
* – GUI OSes = Graphical User Interface Operating Systems. These are the ones that you can give commands to by pressing buttons (usually with a mouse). The other line of OSes are “command line”, such as DOS.
** = and of course, “kilo” should also be abbreviated as a lowercase “k” in stead of uppercase ๐
edit 2:
in fact, not true, the IEEE has resolved the capital vs. lowercase dispute by making the “K” capital for 2^10 measures (whilst 10^3 remains “k”):
Edited 2009-08-18 22:15 UTC
Because, of course, data size should be measured in kibibytes (KiB) and mebibytes (MiB)… yeah, I guess not everyone has such a great command of computing language as you…
Hey I did send them a nice comment suggesting to change it and explaining why. Call it “constructive criticism”.
Do allow me to have my fun. Or need I remind you that just last week, you were ranting about people who aren’t as hardware-savvy like you are? ( ) So this is really a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
It wasn’t an offtop. The article was about Apple, and I wanted to point out some of the funniest thing I’ve seen that day [banner link on this site], because that showed how MacOSX is going DOWN in terms of becoming obtrusive, heavy and too idiotocentric OS. It’s getting fat just like a bloated pig. Sorry, for that – that’s just my thought.
I do perfectly know a history of OSs/Desktop OSs, because I am an OS hobbyist in some sort, but thanks for an extensive explanation. It was interresting.
Hey Marc,
I apologise for (a) completely missing what’s behind the joke (unfortunately I didn’t see the banner), and (b) incorrectly ascribing a lack of OS (history) knowledge to you. Sometimes making jokes on OS News is painstaking ๐
Actually I’ve seen this coming for OSX. In all honesty, I dread the day that I must start running a weekly virus scan. McAfee and Norton are anxiously awaiting that day; they’re ready for it (and so is iVirusScan). I’m just hoping that, as opposed to Windows, I am able to exert control over when OSX or an application does particular “administrative” tasks like these.
The topic is about Apple evaluation (among others through their physical stores) and not about OSX. So it’s not quite on-topic ๐ But it made an interesting thread anyway!
It’s just about “how bad your joke could be?”. In my case it’s almost always a *very bad joke*
I agree with you – I think the “bad times” are coming, but MacOSX architecture is *far* better than – say – MS NTx.x, so – hopefuly – it will eventualy last merely scratched.
And yes! I made an offtop, I agree. It took me some time to realise, but it happened, so thanks for the patience
…Oh yeah, they practice deceptive marketing better than anyone else; do I have it right?