“We’ve been doing some investigating, friends – making phone calls, demanding answers. And it was worth it. We can confirm something very few people get to confirm: British shoppers aren’t going to be totally shafted over software pricing for once. Full versions of Windows 7 Home Premium are going to cost us [as in, UK people] half as much as they cost Americans.”
Personally, I think that those folks who’ve whined on Internet forums about how “Microsoft has every right to blah, blah blah…” and “the EC has no right to blah, blah, blah…” should have to pay the US price.
But aside from that, my congratulations go out to Europe for a job well done.
When I buy tech-books, I allways order them from the US or the UK. With Shipping and Hendling to the Netherlands it sometimes still is about 50% of the price I would pay at a bookstore here.
Personaly I don’t see any point of buying Windows 7 [I did some extended test of RC for myself and I was totally disappointed].
Another thing is, that W7 will cost Europeans [especially Poland, which is the country I live] *twice as much, as it will cost Americans*.
This is completely unreasonable and I won’t be wasting my money for such overpriced product.