Microsoft’s first big update for Windows Phone 7, which brings, among other things, copy/paste and performance improvements, is finally being rolled out to users. Unbranded devices are the first to get the update. Sadly, my own unlocked HTC HD7 has not yet received the update, so there’s little else I can tell you.
I know I won’t be getting it soon… being on T-Mobile.
Do you have to wait for the update for your specific phone’s firmware? I don’t know much about smartphones, but I always assumed that they worked like a computer, with the same OS being installable/upgradeable on multiple different systems. Why would this be contingent upon T-Mobile, and not the manufacturer or Microsoft?
Also, just wondering, but is there anyone selling a sim-free, unbranded Windows Phone? Something like the Nexus S / Nokia e7, where you don’t rely upon a third party to handle your updates?
I was told that it goes from MS, to HTC, to the Mobile Carrier… that each can apparently test/stop/control when the software is released to the phones with the carrier having last say. Apparently there is a deal in place where the carriers can even skip an update (but not two in a row). Since T-Mobile skipped the first WP7 update they are contractually obligated to pass on the updates THIS time… but WHEN is the mystery. I am sure it will happen by the end of the week.
“Update: Reader Morten Romslo confirms on his non-branded HTC Trophy: “…just conected my HTC Tropy to Zune, and the NoDo update was ready for install. No carrier phone europe”
There has been a lot of commentary on the stock Yahoo! board, not exactly a hotbed of technical info, I know, about the pros and cons of doing a phone OS update by connecting to your ‘Doze box with the Zune software to do the update.
Normal precautions apply: Have the phone charged up, hope your ‘Net connection is reliable, fast helps, and of course, don’t have any other programs running.
Just kidding! That’s an old proscription from XP and earlier OSes. Just the same … (;
with some fancy backgrounds with some nice pink T 😉 I got C3 deom Nokia, and branded soft give soo many possibilitied to the telecoms like, making it hard to work on wifi, or even using GPRS when users choose WiFi for web browsing. Then i must show people how to unbrand their phones and use standard firmware, that got no such “features” 😉
Edited 2011-03-23 21:08 UTC
Oh, cannot change broken title by edit