Google’s Rubin: Android Isn’t Blocking VoIP, Despite Claims

This morning a USA Today article discussed the FCC’s investigation into why the Google Voice App was banned from the iPhone. The article goes on to say that Google could “soon find itself in the hot seat” because Android cannot use Skype, proposing that Google itself blocks VoIP to force users into traditional voice calls. Andy Rubin, Google’s Vice President of Mobile Platforms, had to step forward and call USA Today out. Rubin said, “Here are the facts, clear and simple: While the first generation of our Android software did not support full-featured VoIP applications due to technology limitations, we have worked through those limitations in subsequent versions of Android, and developers are now able to build and upload VoIP services.” Rubin says it’s up to the operators to decide if certain applications violate their terms of service.


  1. 2009-08-21 11:08 pm
    • 2009-08-24 12:47 am