Microsoft has announced the release to manufacturing of Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3, the next-generation of the componentized, real-time Windows Embedded CE operating system that now features a rich immersive user experience provided by Microsoft’s Silverlight Rich Internet Application platform. The company also delivers Windows 7 connectivity to the platform.
how was i not the first to know about this?! i am really off my game these days.
Edit: sweet, this is the silverlight capable GUI version i thought was going to be CE 7. this is what i have been waiting for!!!!!!!!! custom uber desktop here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited 2009-09-22 18:46 UTC
very cool feature sets:…
Since I will be doing that I always do with these releases (makiniga functional desktop OS simply because I can) I am going to do something that might be fun for you guys. When some time permits (hopefully this weekend) and will build and deploy a platform using windows CE r3, turn it into a desktop style os, and show how i did it and document the steps as I go.
is there any interset if i took the time to do something like that for the OS news readers?
I would be most certainly interested!
poundsmack proposed…
PS: Isn’t this more or less the second time you proposed thins type of article? Well we wanted to see it back then and want to see it again now! Don’t fail us…
Edited 2009-09-23 03:55 UTC
ya, i wanted to do it a while ago but real life got in the way (new house, new job, girlfriend became my fiance, etc…). It looks like the first week of october is going ot be a week where i can do as I please, so i will set it up their. I will do it using VIA hardware as they have the best wince suport (Intel comes second). then again, i might use intel since thats what most of the users have, ya i will just do intel. kinda thinking outloud.
Please do! Mucho interested. (please also detail installation steps, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to install a ‘device’ OS on a real pc…)