“I’m fascinated by the rapid decline and complete recovery that took place in less than 15 minutes exactly one month ago today on May 6, 2010 coined the ‘flash crash’. Even with the gloomy global economic backdrop since then, it’s taken the S&P 500 a full month to close lower than the downward spike of that event which originally occurred in two to three minutes. In over 10 years of studying the markets on a daily basis, I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve spent the last few weeks studying the ‘flash crash’ for evidence that could lead to an explanation of how it happened.”
This is pretty funny.
Honestly though, the long upward gain on the market has just been a dead cat bounce IMO.
I live in California so my economic outlook is pretty grim, but at least I may get to buy some legal recreational marijuana soon to forget about my worries.
When you have a state government that tax, tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend, is there any surprise that it is in such sorry state? then again California is a microcosm of what is wrong with the United States – but hey, it’ll be solved with the next round of bashing gays, ranting on about how Obama will take away guns and how much a particular candidate believes in God (aka the three G’s).
I am truely sorry for you, but any group of people who vote arnold freakin schwartzeneggar in as their leader deserve what they get…
When I read only the title, I thought Adobe is now also scapegoating Apple for crashes of Flash…. after all, all of Flash’s problems seem to be blamed on Apple these days (probably the sucky performance on Linux as well)…
Edited 2010-06-07 21:50 UTC
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking!
me too
Me too. (I don’t understand what the real subject has to do with OS by the way)
the only reason this site is still called osnews is because the domain has a lot of google juice. it hasn’t been just about operating systems for a very very long time
Yeah, I mean Slahsdot hasn’t been just about slashes and dots in for a long time now.
You have to admit this article is kind of out in left field even for OSNews. Then add the keywords Flash and Apple, almost seems like you were baiting people to click on it to be completely bewildered.
I thought the title was funny . It was clear the author did not intend it to be that way, which only made it funnier.
Have a sense of humour, people.
Tried to post this from my Droid, but the site was complaining about how I need to enter my username and password, which they were.
In that case you have successfully fooled many people in you dark, evil scheme. An applause is in order.