Spotify has made a (Qt-based, but with extra gnome-support package) Linux client available for download. The client is available only to premium subscribers – reported to be because they haven’t found a reliable way to show ads yet. It also doesn’t support local file playback yet, but then this port was built “during hack days and late nights”.
Just a small remark :
Qt is written with a small t and a big Q like this “Qt”
and it is spelled the same as “Cute” or “Cute-ee”
QT is QuickTime
Just a small remark:
You mean pronounced, not spelt.
It’s comments like that that put me off using Linux, when I was actually interested in trying it I just got abuse on forums in answer to my questions or got told that some acronym was spelt with capital letters instead of my question being answered.
Edited 2010-07-13 09:18 UTC
Me too!
I’d like Linux to succeed, but it has a few people who would rather say “ignorant n00b, RTFM!” than more helpful people.
This is why Ubuntu is making waves, kernel hackers!
NOT because they do kernel hacking, BUT because helping newbies (of which I’m no longer one) without insults is a declared institutional goal.
Neither PR nor technology wins alone. You need BOTH. QED.
If you can’t be bothered to take two minutes to do a google search and inform yourself about something you could easily learn without pestering me and instead decide to ask meaningless questions because you’re too lazy to ask better ones, then you get little sympathy from me.
This isn’t “Linux people are unfriendly,” this is “I don’t like having my time wasted any more than you do.” Don’t assume that the time and attention of people doing support for free is somehow worth less than your time and attention; in fact, it’s probably worth more since you are the one in need of their expertise! A little courtesy goes a long way. Spend your time first, my time only when necessary.
Yet you take the time to berate the newbie? That’s a stupid notion.
I’m pretty active in the German volunteer support scene and if I think a question is a waste of my time I simply ignore it. The above posters are not complaining that they don’t get answers, they complain that they get unhelpful responses full of vitriol.
Edited 2010-07-13 13:27 UTC
Thank you B. Janssen I couldn’t agree with you more.
You guys are fighting over absolutely nothing. The OP did not answer to anyone; he only commented on the article. Yes, it is annoying when a newcomer doesn’t get his question answered, but that happens in ALL fields, not only in computing, and definitely not only in relation to Linux. And how to deal with it? Learn to ignore unwanted remarks and wait a while, then repeat the question.
You leap to “berate” without cause. Correcting someone who is wrong is a positive thing and is not the same as bullying someone for being ignorant.
I could be slow and patient and careful and wheedle out of each and every supplicant the story of his life and what his real problem actually is, so as to be as gentle as possible, but it’s usually better to start with “In the first place foo isn’t bar, it’s baz, and you can’t quux your corge.” This is a positive contribution. If I were to say “You’re doing it wrong,” that is *also* positive, because it provides information the person was lacking. Of course it is usually better to provide more information but this is not always possible due to ambiguity, time constraints or other things.
I find that a lot of people are quick to ask stupid questions and slow to help themselves. I find it far more productive to indicate to these people that they can solve their own problem quite quickly than to answer it. This may come off sounding unfriendly, perhaps, but that’s life; I refuse to be accountable to lazy people for their misperceptions.
Dumb questions waste everyone’s time. They waste the time of the person asking, they waste the time of those reading. If a person is given to understand that doing this is acceptable then it will only continue, generate noise and foul things up in the future. Some kind of reply is therefore warranted even if it is a harsh one.
Ignored questions are worse than ones that get only dismissive answers. If you ask how to do something and use the wrong acronym and I correct your usage *you have learned something* if nothing else than to be more careful next time. Perhaps I did not know how to solve your problem and thus contributed to the extent of my ability, or perhaps I did not have time for more. Perhaps I didn’t like the look of you and acted harshly out of malice, but it’s just not very likely.
if such a simple correction (and he’s correct) makes you feel like quitting linux you’ve bigger problems
No he wasn’t, not with everything. See my first post.
And then please re-read it again. I said it was comments like this, notice the “s” after comment?
… keep posting the same crap insults laced with smilies… but don’t ever wonder why “the year of linux on the desktop” never happens.
Talk about off-topic. There is no question here, so your analogy is completely unfitting. The OP politely corrected an issue in the story. The fact that you like to fly off the rails with your personal vendetta against Linux is beside the point.
My bad, I just took the text submitted to us and added the last sentence.
What’s ironic is that you didn’t notice that “preview” had been spelt “preivew” in the title.
I like Qt (the Nokia owned Graphic Toolkit).
As a long time Mac-head, I like Quicktime too. (as far as I’m concerned Quicktime being crappy on windows is just as much because windows is crappy to begin with as that Apple “refuses to use” windows native toolkits.)
OTOH, Emphasizing capitalization is what led NeXT (or is it NEXT?) on the path to bankruptcy. I HATE people who misspell things (loose vs lose, etc.) BUT, when you get to spelling acronyms Capital, lowercase, Capital, Capital vs. Capital, Capital, Capital, Capital, the marketing robots have taken over, and there is no hope left!
QT is pretty crappy across the board, not just on windows
I am a Spotify user myself and while Spotify does indeed work pretty well under Wine I’ve always been hoping to get a native client. Well here we are and my wish seems to be coming true
Gotta try it now and see how well it performs. Would love to help them with the development, too, while at it!
Wow, off-topic ftw. I would’ve corrected the spelling mistakes if I had a way to edit my posting
Aaaaanyway, I hope this linux client get a little more love – even though it is running flawlessly. Like maybe notification popups for songs, media keys integration and the ability to play local files, but all that aside, it’s a great port. I can’t tell the difference from the windows version which I’ve run via wine for ages.
exist a project of a spotify client in Qt for the n900 that i think could easy port for a pc version
Why these companies assume people only use Ubuntu or a debian-based distro?
Is it so hard to put a .tgz package for those that use another distro, along with the .deb file for those that use Ubuntu?
Edited 2010-07-13 17:48 UTC
Probably because a .deb installs only if certain checked requirements are satisfied. Providing a .tar.gz that ‘should’ work anywhere means for the company to expect a rise in the number of support requests for various installation problems.