“Google’s Chrome Operating System launch has been delayed, and the platform won’t be available to launch on netbooks for at least the ‘next few months’. Google CEO Eric Schmidt revealed as much to reporters in a Q&A session at the Web 2.0 Summit Nov. 15, adding that the platform continues to be targeted for devices with a keyboard. Though he didn’t provide a reason for the delay, he certainly shredded the rumor that there would be netbooks based on Google’s Chrome Operating System launching this month.”
Not a single fuck was given that day.
I keep wanting to care about chromeos. I mean I’ve been wishing for an operating system on the pc by google for ages. But I just can’t get excited about it. It just seems so odd to intentionally cripple a system like that. I might use my netbook for the web the majority of the time. But to take away the percentage that I’m not, however small it might be, would make it a really subpar experience.
I don’t know, Apple has create success. With their crippled iPad.
But seriously, maybe you and me are not the intended audience ?
It’s too early for an OS to be that dependent on the internet.
An Android netbook makes a lot more sense.
Wow I agree with you.
Huh. There’s a first for everything.
I’m not sure but… I think I just saw a pig fly by my window!
It’s a sign of the impending Apocalypse. Or Apache Lips. I get confused sometimes.
Maybe it can help making the internet more suitable for this. I just hope this won’t result in an other stupid argument against net neutrality.
The Toshiba AC100 netbook runs Android on nVIDIA Tegra.
I have one. Android is very immature. Mouse pointer sometimes freezes for a second. AC100 doesn’t have touch screen, but applications lacks keyboard shortcuts, only BIG onscreen buttons. Very bad.
Two browsers available are equally crap-full.
Familiar keyboard actions doesn’t work (like Shift-select / Ctrl+XCV)
!@#$%^&, etc are entered with ALT, not SHIFT.
Opera Mobile frequently ignores “submit” button while posting to forums – something is seriously broken here.
Youtube client doesn’t work at all. It worked first time, but later something happens and it is dead now.
Not much of “innovation”, but more a half-baked product.
Edited 2010-11-23 13:16 UTC
Well it is a touch screen OS so it actually makes more sense to be built that was.
They’re excellent for the smartphone, but I can see why you wouldn’t want them on a netbook.
That would be down to Toshiba’s implimentation.
This is nothing to do with Google Android as it’s a third party application (it’s like blaming Windows for rendering bug in Firefox)
Plus it’s Opera Mini that’s on Android, not Opera Mobile. They’re different products.
Works perfectly on my phone so once again it’s something that either Toshiba or yourself have broken.
Well to be fair, the majority of your complaints are either relating to (what sounds like) a bodge job that Toshiba did or with third party apps that has nothing to do with Android. Either way and through no fault of your own, I don’t think you’ve given Android a fair try as (in my opinion at least) it works wonderfully on touch screen devices.
I’ve seen enough smartphones of my collegues (like HTC HD2/ Moto Droid) and they’re all slow/buggy and I don’t like them =)
Edited 2010-11-23 23:03 UTC
Really? I have the complete opposite experience even on the out-dated G1.
It’s funny how different peoples experience will differ so wildly.
What I will say if when you compare Android to other smart phone OSs, the only one that’s currently of any real competition is iOS. Maybe WP7 might offer some competition when it matures, for me at least it’s too new.
It’s too early for an OS to be that dependent on the internet for a unreasonable price.
I’m certain people would pay for a netbook that “went from 0 to Facebook in five seconds”. You have to understand that people’s $400, 2 GHz, 3 GB RAM PCs take an age to boot and get on the Internet because of the amount of crap on them. People will pay for less friction to get on the web.
That said, here £200 would be the maximum IMO for something like this. My guess is that Google is having confidence / price issues with their chosen OEMs. They’ve seen the iPad, they’re in panic mode, and ChromeOS isn’t maybe as compelling.
I can only hope that iPad envy doesn’t end up killing yet another product market before it’s born.
Samsung just announced they sold 600000 Galaxy Tabs, running a version of Android not meant for tablets mind you, in one month. I don’t think Google is panicking because of the iPad.
That’s a world wide distribution.
Apple’s iPad sold > 1 million, just in the US it’s first month. Comparing 50+ countries and the US with multiple carriers per country, to just the US and AT&T is not brilliant.
Factors to question :
-Product availability : is the Galaxy tab sold just as everywhere as the iPad ? Would as much stores sell it ? Did Samsung pay as much as Apple in that area, or did they work on their product’s engineering instead ?
-Product visibility : What is the amount and hypnotizing quality of ads ? What are the other promotional programs that try to artificially inflate sales ? (here, as an example, Apple tries to sell lots of iPads to schools as ebooks, despite several studies showing that LCD screens and computers in general are simply NOT GOOD for studying)
-Do people know what Android is ? Therefore, can the usual snob thinking that applies to iOS devices work ? Is there a way that people believe that the iPad is packed with some iPhone black magic that somehow makes computing simple by sticking a touchscreen on it and doubling the price ? Does this magic feeling apply to Android devices, or is the Galaxy tab “just another oversized samsung phone” ?
With all those factors in mind, 600.000 is actually pretty good already, and shows that samsung has probably done near-perfect product engineering on this one. But they’ve missed the bigger picture.
When Samsung sells a tablet, it’s a tablet : an oversized touchscreen phone that costs much more than a netbook and does much less. They can work as much on the internals and software of the tab as they want, they can’t bypass this intrinsic limitation of small touchscreens linked to things as basic as input resolution.
When Apple sells a tablet, on the other hand, they put a great deal of effort in making people think that their tablet is not a tablet, but rather an iPad, and that somehow this suddenly makes it interesting.
Samsung is mistaken when they try to fight this with work on product engineering, the real fight here does not happen in labs but in the brain of consumers. Actually, the sole thing which they did right on the Galaxy tab in that area is to overprice it so that consumers think that it’s something even more special than the iPad since it’s even more expensive. But as long as they don’t start to fire some engineers and instead use the budget to sell the things to schools and big supermarkets and work on pixel-perfect false claims in their ads, this just won’t work.
Edited 2010-11-24 06:12 UTC
But that doesn’t make Chrome OS a better fit over Android.
One thing doesn’t suit everybody. I don’t like Android, it is every kind of sloppy half-arsed design and the browser doesn’t begin to compare to a desktop browser.
Firefox mobile do, the default one don’t. The latest beta of FF became my default browser, it is as fast on my Nexus and have the features I expect from a browser, including extensions.
They can add the same browser to Android.
With Android you can also use an alternative browser.
But it doesn’t really matter what you think since Chrome OS will bomb if they ever release it.
You know you have a serious problem when Linux geeks are not excited about a Linux based OS. In fact Linux geeks should be against Chrome OS since it could be used as evidence by OEMs that the public doesn’t want Linux on netbooks.
Why would the public want a browser instead of a browser + Android games and apps? It doesn’t make sense. This is just some geek fantasy that some Google employee came up with. It’s completely unacceptable for typical use. I live in an urban area and I still end up in areas that don’t have internet.
Doesn’t make it a worse fit either. I’m waiting to see how the fit and polish on shipping products feels before bashing.