“Processor design company ARM has today unveiled two new updates to its Cortex-R range of processors: the Cortex-R5 MPCore and the Cortex-R7 MPCore. While the Cortex-A processors can be found in mainstream consumer products such as cell phones and tablet devices, the Cortex-R chips are meant for deeply-embedded and system-on-a-chip duties. Notably you can find the last generation Cortex-R4 in hard disk drive controllers, wireless baseband processors, and automotive systems.”
… speeds development and improves service.
With the Cortex R5 ARM not only delivered a design. ARM also delivered implementations using a 28nm process.
AFAIK, the 28nm process was done with a bit of help from IBM.
Nevertheless, keep on Trucking ARM. In your own way you are really starting to hurt Intel in their soft underbelly.
It would be great to have 8-core ARM laptop with 24h battery time.
True. It’s a shame that battery technology hasn’t progressed like the rest of the computer industry has. Instead of 24 hours battery life, we would be contemplating weeks… Too bad I’m just dreaming.