IT Inferno: The Nine Circles Of IT Hell

InfoWorld’s Dan Tynan takes us on a tour of the nine circles of IT hell, a place ‘not unlike the underworld described by Dante in his Divine Comedy.’ ‘But here, in the data centers, conference rooms, and cubicles, the IT version of this inferno is no allegory. It is a very real test of every IT pro’s sanity and soul,’ Tynan writes. From IT limbo, to tech lust, to stakeholder gluttony, to tech-pro treachery, the IT inferno is not buried deep within the earth, it’s just down the hall. ‘Thankfully, as in Dante’s poetic universe, there are ways to escape the nine circles of IT hell. But IT pro beware: You may have to face your own devils to do it. Shall we descend?’


  1. 2011-10-04 8:55 am
  2. 2011-10-04 1:37 pm
  3. 2011-10-04 3:05 pm