Are you one of those lucky bastards who own a Nokia N9, yet are suffering from the mother of all first world problems – beautiful smartphone, but want a different operating system? Your prayers have been heard: an alpha release of Android 4.0.3 for the N9. Here’s a video, and here’s the instructions on how to get it working.
I’ve been contemplating splashing cash on an N9 for a while…….and this could tip me over the edge, IF I can return to Meego should I not prefer ICS (I’d get two if wasn’t so expensive, might toggle between the OS’s if isn’t overly taxing, and if I didn’t want too many apps installed).
So, anyone have a clue, would returning to Meego be possible and relatively trivial…?
Another pretty unrelated point – don’t suppose anyone knows if any phones? (esp N9/N950) happen to have jtag/serial over usb access??
I guarantee that you’re not going to like it.
I don’t know if it would be easy to remove the dualboot kerner and ICS, but since you are dualbooting then at the very least you still have Meego in there.
How to install Android Ice Cream Sandwich in Nokia N9 – Step by Step