“‘We are working on this,’ Ms. Whitman told Fox Business Network in an interview. ‘We have to ultimately offer a smartphone because in many countries of the world that would be your first computing device… We are a computing company.'” On the same day the Pre 2 a reader is loaning me arrives in the mail. This is just cruel. Update: “HP Bender Android smartphone appears in benchmark details”. Eh.
HP already offered Smartphones and i was the accidental owner of 2 (HP iPAQ or whatever that crap was called, i am so happy to have em forgotten…)
I got them from my company as business phones.. and they were outright awful. They were loaded with WinCE or Mobile 6 or whatever that mobile spawn called itself and it was horrible. On the first iPAQ (It had small display and a regular phone keyboard) the usability was outright horrible, the display was horrible, battery drain was horriblle. Oh and it crashed very often… and guess what.. the one with the bigger screen and touch was no better.
They should focus on promoting on what they have and make it better.
HP did a lot of f*ck ups lately in the technical department and they really need to think about what they try to be. Business class printers? Yeah, with their new Firmware based on WinCE and lot of crashes and cheap plastic.. way to go and show off quality.
Servers? Wahaha, yeah, lets release the new G(x) series and have them buggy as hell.
Oh have i mentioned their great Slate 2 Tablets? I would go into a corner and be ashamed of branding them HP…
I hate that kind of attitude. They want to do new markets but they have to fix their home first before they do the garden.
HP is in my opinion in a mess in every thinkable way. They behave like a headless chicken. Their need to get their priorities sorted out first and then focus on that instead of being everywhere. They had that right but they wasted it by cutting edges on the wrong corners.
I wish Meg good luck with that and i hope she will be able to fix this mess called HP.
What a shame – everybody is copying the Palm (ever seen rows and columns of icons you lauch by touching them), and it lays on the dust heap.
Palm, Palm, wherefore are thou Palm??
I don’t think WebOS has much of a chance of resurrecting from the hobby world. I agree that they will most likely sell an HP branded Windows 8 phone. HP made some very sweet Windows Mobile devices in the past – IPAQ 8 anyone?
Oops! I guess the person above me no likey IPAQ. Anyone else have a better experience? They also made the Journada – oh and the HP 200LX, they always seemed pretty nice.
Edited 2012-09-14 21:45 UTC
Loved my iPaq to death. Completely used it up. One of my favourite devices of all time.
Dell AXIM X51V vs. HP iPAQ 240 : FIGHT !
You know what? I still have an iPaq 514 – which I only use as a backup alarm clock sometimes
– and I really liked it when I got it (quite a while ago). I was using it for almost 2 years before I switched from it. Some iPAQs were really nice. Man, I feel old.
The HP200LX was a marvelous machine. Good display, nice keyboard, extreme portability, very easy to develop fore – just about any DOS dev-chain was OK. And about 2 weeks of battery life on 2 AA NiMH.
Yet another Android phone launching with ice cream sandwich. This thing is already a fail before it’s even released.
Launching? This is a rumor about a prototype.
Why so if they ported webos gui to Android and pushed it on some decent HW they could give Samsung run for its money.
Innovation is good but duplicating APIs for the sake of it frequebtly bring more harm than good. Besides adding WEB os api support on top of Android flinger is not inconcievable.
From basic usage and multitasking (not mentioning linux base) boh are badically compatible.
Because if they fork the hell out of Android, whatever version of the OS it comes with is probably going to be what it runs for the rest of its life.
Edited 2012-09-15 02:19 UTC
I’m not sure Bender is a great name.
I’m surprised you don’t welcome such name with open hands – while cautiously also hoping that the phone will have some 6502-family CPU ;P
I’d buy a C64 phone!
Could be worse ….
Hahahahaha… Can’t wait to root me a Nokia 920 and install webOS. The ultimate revenge!
I can just imagine your face while you’re saying that…
Edit: Curses, I guess image codes don’t work here; oh well.
Edited 2012-09-15 09:42 UTC
That is really nice.
I am saddened by HP financial woes and I hope/believe they can turn it around.
Why do i like HP that much. Well, HP has his own research lab dedicated to cutting edge stuff like memsistors etc.
They have a long track record of innovation.
They have turned into a “Me Too” company, they don’t come out with anything innovative anymore, they just copy other companies stuff, badly, then fill it with crapware. Even their printer division has been putting out cheap plastic crap the last few years.
They have to start taking risks, and for the right reasons, not because “Everyone else is doing it” If Apple or Dell jumped off a bridge, would HP follow?
My first printer was a HP DeskJet 500, back in 1993, followed by a 670C and a 800 something (no longer remember the name).
Nowadays, I can care less, as their drivers install lots of crapware alongside them.
My mom’s first printer was a 560, it worked for about 6, 7, maybe more, years of intensive beating… amazing.
Last month a customer bought two huge, laser, gigabite LAN capable monsters… One had to be taken to service within 20 days, the other one -I just learned- has a long known manufacturing problem on some board causing it to fail at… LAN conectivity, none the less!…
HP phones? Don´t count me in for that.
(well, maybe if it´s free *and* bundled with a Samsung S III coupon
Edited 2012-09-16 14:49 UTC
That is what they need now.
HP should have a technologist as CEO. The worst possible CEO for technology company is a former marketing executive (Whitman, Ballmer, Fiorino, Sculley etc). They don’t understand technology.
Most German technology and manufacturing companies have a PhD qualified engineer or scientist as their CEO/Chairman. The CEOs of Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen are all PhD qualified mechanical engineers.
Tim Cook is now busy destroying Apple by focusing on short term profit at the expense of long term marketshare.
Edited 2012-09-16 04:07 UTC
Volkswagen… you sure? Well that does not speak very well for them