WebOS ported to Nexus 7

There are a lot of WebOS fans out there who regret this remarkable operating system got shelved by HP just as Android was swooping in to win the hearts and minds of developers. Is there still hope? WebOSNation reports they’ve got it running on Google hardware. Surely a little competition for Android isn’t a bad thing?


  1. 2013-01-01 8:48 pm
    • 2013-01-02 6:48 pm
      • 2013-01-03 6:58 am
        • 2013-01-03 8:37 pm
  2. 2013-01-01 9:35 pm
  3. 2013-01-02 8:30 am
  4. 2013-01-02 3:55 pm
  5. 2013-01-02 6:16 pm