“‘Those are some unique glasses.’ ‘Are you wearing Glass?’ ‘He’s got Google Glass on!’ My appearance can be ostentatious at times, but wearing Google Glass in public drew a truly unparalleled amount of attention – never have I seen so many strangers (and people I know) give me this look of, ‘uh, what’s on your face?'” Gamechanger. If not Glass, at least something similar. Hunching over to use you phone is unnatural, and you close yourself off from your surroundings. No such thing with Glass – that alone will change the game.
Going to a Justin Timberlake concert. I’m pretty sure that in excluded in the Google Glass user agreement you accepted.
There’s nothing worse than searching on Youtube for a live performance of an artist/band and getting 200 results back that are all crappy cell phone videos. Why do people upload these things?
I think you meant “crappy cell phone videos in PORTRAIT mode”. I don’t get why anyone does that.
I may have done it two or three times accidentally. But who the hell uploads such stuff!?
I was wondering, if this were a movie instead of a concert, would he be allowed to record it?
He’d have to keep very still though.
Hmm, on second thought, that might actually bring an end to all those CAMRip type pirated flicks. Some people might be able to bear with some random silhouette walking across the screen once in a while, but I’m certain no one would be able to stomach the ‘camera’ looking down at his popcorn every other minute.
I consider ALL cellphones pretty unnatural with those requirements no matter if they are built into your shoes, glasses or a plastic case.
Unnatural is such a subjective word.
I’d like an app to allow laser tagging, a drone with a missile launcher and free tickets for a Justin Bieber concert.
Is that what concerts are like now days? Smartphones instead of lighters? Someone should bring along an EMP to sort that out…
Hell no! Then again, I’m a metalhead. If you don’t bring a nice Zippo to a real metal concert, you’re asking for it. Where Glass at one of those things, and you’d probably get your ass kicked out of hand for being a dork.
TLDR; Everybody looked at me, I didn’t have to use my phone to record the concert. Oh, and did I mention that everybody looked at me?
Yep, pretty much what one would expect from anyone at a concert like that. People who go to concerts for real music A: don’t go to a Justin Timberlake concert of all things and B: don’t give a damn who looks at them.
Or you can buy a purple hat, some minotaur horns, and a string bikini if you want people to look at you. Much cheaper.
Sidenote: Was at a Cake concert and the lead singer (somewhat playfully) chewed out an attendee for recording on his phone. Seems like people are more concerned with showing other people that they’ve had an experience, rather than actually having that experience. You can’t fully enjoy a concert and record it at the same time.
Edited 2013-05-10 17:03 UTC
“Marketing savvy” is not typically a term I’d use when discussing Google, but I have to hand it to them with Glass. The initial limited availability, the fact that it’s a device that people are likely to use prominently in public, even the high price, etc, all seem perfectly calculated to create a pent-up demand for when it becomes available to the general public.