Android is the operating system that powers over 1 billion smartphones and tablets. Since these devices make our lives so sweet, each Android version is named after a dessert: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and Jelly Bean. As everybody finds it difficult to stay away from chocolate we decided to name the next version of Android after one of our favorite chocolate treats, Kitkat!
Not a whole lot of information just yet. The page says “It’s our goal with Android KitKat to make an amazing Android experience available for everybody”, which could mean either a focus on lower-end, cheaper devices, improved support for more form factors such as laptops, or both.
As for the name – the BBC reports that Nestle is okay with Android using the KitKat name, and that no money is exchanging hands. A deal was reached within 24 hours.
Like most big food producers they suck. I hate the Kitkat name.…
I used to eat KitKat when it was Rowntree. Not any more. Shame I did like them.
What is the problem with a chocolate bar?
The problem is simply that people can’t find enough to bitch about already (odd, when you consider just how much shit is going on right now), and this is something new they can scream at. Simple as that.
To be fair, Nestle have altered the taste of a lot of the Rountree products they took over. They also changed the Smarties tube to be an hexagon shape rather than circular and removed the plastic lid, which when I was a kid was something you collected. Each lid had a letter on it and the “game” was to complete the alphabet. The new tubes have some kind of paper lid which attempts to mimic the old game, but it’s ruined it really.
Ya, I don’t like it, in the same way I don’t like stadiums being named after corporations. Wonder if v4.5 will be sponsored by Lemonheads, and 4.6 by M&Ms?
On the bright side, if 4.4 turns out to be a buggy mess, you’re gonna see ‘Kitkat sucks’ all over the web
I had no idea KitKat was Nestle outside of the US. Here its Hersheys, which is somewhat less evil. Nestle, I can’t really forgive for its terrible (non chocolate) food its inflicted upon me and much of the world.
Uhm, I don’t get it? What’s with the hostility? Did they pull a gun on you and force you to eat what they have to offer?
Perhaps you might like to do a bit of research into some of the shady practices Nestle employed to get its brand of baby milk to become a monopoly in a number of 3rd world countries before posting?
nestle baby milk scandal
Into Google is a god place to start.
Personally, I think that Nestle Kit-Kats are frankly inedible. Chocolate is so sickly when compared to the original Rowntree bars.
Yes… They shoved KitKats down my throat, and when I begged them to stop and to just give me a break, they did it again!
There has been a lot of scandal involving Nestle which you can google for. My main complaint is that they destroying local flavors with their mass marketed seasonings. When you have a dish in two countries separated by thousands of miles and it tastes the exact same because they used the same nestle seasoning, its depressing.
Edited 2013-09-04 14:12 UTC
Uhm, I don’t get it?
You fandroids never get it.
Hershey is a perpetual licensee. IIRC, they don’t actually own the brand in any way. KitKat was originally a British chocolate bar made by Rountree, who were eaten up by Nestlee. They are also the only licensee, so KitKat is now Nestlee worldwide outside of the US.
I used to like Nestlé, now I refuse to buy anything from them since I saw this video:
Saying that ‘water is a human right’ is a ‘radical statement’??? Water is a commodity to be traded??? No more Nestlé products for me and I will spread the word.
You’ll likely find yourself not buying anything from any big company if you investigate enough.
True, that’s why I don’t buy Sony (because of the way they treated GeoHot) and a lot of other brands, like big name sports brands, beverages, etc. I choose with my wallet.
For ex., I refuse to use Google Drive because of the terms of service. I still use some of their services but I’m trying to find alternatives all the time.
True but Nestle is undoubtedly among the worst and they make the badness of tech companies look almost insignificant.
Edited 2013-09-05 06:07 UTC
You may hate the name, but damn, do those things taste good.
Should’ve been Android Krispy Kreme
Doughnut has already been done. So no, the logo would be similar and confuse the brand. But yes 🙂
Edited 2013-09-04 06:51 UTC
Damn, I told Google to use “Twinky” but I guess it wasn’t full of enough filling to suit their taste.
Guess they will save that name for when Android needs 2GB of memory to function.
Gimmie a break.
You think Android is fragmented and a developers nightmare as it is, just wait until people start breaking off a piece of that os now.
Edited 2013-09-03 23:51 UTC
Oh no. What’s next? Android Snickers? Android Mars?
They won’t have a problem with choosing the product name at least. They’ll just take it from whoever bids more.
Why do Ubuntu and Android have such gay names? Why?
Just for you.
Because gay is good?
Why do people use gay as word to mean lesser/worse?
Well, I use “hetero” to mean the same thing
That’s heterophobic
Sorry to be *that guy*, but must you really use “gay” as a pejorative?
“Silly” would have been just fine…
I’m 40 and have used the pejorative my whole life – hell many of my gay friends did, and their gay (literally, not pejoratively)…
Anyway, I have recently vowed to quite it though – Macklemore convinced me. Funny how the strangest things that will influence you…
Why is your post so stupid? Why?
Judging from, Nestle really doesn’t seem to mind. They seem rather into it, in fact.
Edited 2013-09-04 08:09 UTC
And as Hershey only license the name, it’s not really their choice 😉
Free advertising.
No way. Google never has two overlapping products for the same thing. Which means that, in order to bring Android to laptops, they ‘ll have to kill ChromeOS. Not gonna happen.
A WSJ report said something about official support for consoles.
PS: Android on laptops is becoming the new wet dream of Android fans. Back in 2.3, it was that google would ban third-part UIs for Android, based on a statement that “2.3 will make UIs unecessary”.
Edited 2013-09-04 10:05 UTC
It’s not exactly just a wet dream (NB. for “Wet-” I read “Pipe-“), as I run Android on an old MSI Wind U100 for development testing. It’s pretty trivial to install it. It runs from an SD card, so there wasn’t even any repartitioning. I could probably remove the hard drive and it would then run a lot longer, but I’m not really that bothered, and having a Windows laptop around is still quite useful every now and again.
On a side note, install Aide, and one has a pretty strong development platform. Debugger is the only fly in the ointment, but always will be on a mobile platform.
“Nestle is okay with Android using the KitKat name, and that no money is exchanging hands”
Yeah right! Google is the Internet’s largest advertising network and it doesn’t work for free.
Nestle have been doing a lot of Facebook and online marketing for KitKat recently. In the UK they have had two big “votes” where they produced a limited run of flavours of KitKat Chunky (which is called something else by Hershey, BigKit?) and then had a public vote on Facebook to choose the one that would stay in production. There is a fairly active KitKat general presence even after the promotions.
I think Nestle are just trying out this kind of thing. It seems to be working well enough.
No idea about Hershey though, they are a complete black box with regards to KitKat and my world view, which is actually odd – given that the Google Campus where the Android developers are based is obviously in the US… so their favourite chocolate bar is probably the US version… which makes the whole campaign doubly odd
Android version naming truly is stupid. It’s a failed attempt to be a hipster.