The long-awaited day has come.Twitter, the 200 million user microblogging service, has filed for its initial public offering. Fittingly, the only public acknowledgement came in the form of a simple tweet.
“Long-awaited”? Wait, people actually waited for this?
Must not have a lot going on in their lives.
…and nobody cares. At best, we remember the fuck-up of Facebook IPO and… dont care!
I still can’t get what the big deal is about Twitter
I woke up
I scratched my butt
I took a dump
I ate
and other totally useless and no one cares information …
It is RSS light. RSS for dummies.
But without almost any decent content.
Twitter is for narcisists and their stalkers. And the only other usage i have found is for the news media to copy from since they do no actual investigation any more. Just look at CNN, it seems they are more interested in their twitter account than the news.
So, everybody’s happy, right? Attention whores get their attention, stalkers get to stalk. Pretty successful service if you ask me.
I don’t follow “celebrities” (on Twitter or elsewhere). I mostly follow tech and financial publications, who tweet the title and author of each article as it is published with a link. When I have a few minutes, I can scan and select an interesting quick read.
I retweet perhaps 10 articles a year that I consider insightful.
If you tried it and all you saw was what you posted, you really followed the wrong accounts! π
It actually really damn good for updates on things like elections, service availability, transport (during heavy snow in the UK, I was getting updates via Twitter on how late/where the buses on my route were) and other things that lend themselves for quick status alerts.
It depends on who you follow.
For me it is a primary source of information.
There are a lot of world’s top engineers and researchers on twitter.
Does the world needs another totally worthless tech company that will never make a profit? [Amazon is still losing money 17 years after it was publicly listed.]
Edited 2013-09-13 01:57 UTC
They’re called investors.
Well, I wouldn’t put my money in twitter, that’s for sure. Mainly because I’ve never thought much of it, just a silly idea of letting people post 1liner craps for free that got fashionable and I still don’t see much promise in it, and certainly not a good ROI in the long run. The initial few months could be interesting though, but after that… They might still have a few years of fun until nobody will care anymore. I stopped caring about 5 days after they launched.
I use twitter to follow industry trends and plant blog links… does a wonder for traffic. Nobody forces you to follow idiots.
Maybe Twitter can fix their site so it isn’t so broken / slow / screwing up on such a regular basis.
You might try a twitter app. If you mostly just read tweets and their embedded links, I’d suggest Flipboard.
It aggregates twitter and other data feeds, automatically including the link target, all intermixed and laid out in a magazine style that’s easy to browse for interesting content by flipping through the pages (hence the name).
You can also easily and at no cost subscribe to (or create) virtual magazines on any topic. Some are quite unique – ultra-small houses, virtual currencies, and such. Great relaxation for the brain.
I’ve used it on both my iPad 1 and my Nexus 4, and it’s the best value I’ve seen for the cost (free).
I don’t want a workaround. Just fix the site.
It’s not my website, so I can’t fix it. I promise to never offer any help to you again, though. Sorry to have offended.
He is being a dick, tell him where to go.
I do take offense to someone calling me a dick when I did nothing wrong. You’re being your usual douchebag self. Go f–k yourself.
Edited 2013-09-14 00:01 UTC
It’s possible that dealing with my many grandchildren has led me to favor patient explanation rather than insults. How would they ever learn manners otherwise? π
I encounter a distressingly large number of people in forums that seem to have missed the benefits of a patient grandparent. Perhaps that’s why I rather like Twitter – it’s hard to squeeze off a really nasty insult in 140 characters. *shrugs*
Being younger I don’t have that patience. Fair enough.
Strange, that. In my own experience, arbitrary character count limitations rather tend to lead people (myself included) to more simplistic thinking, and thus to more insulting behaviour. Because it takes less precious characters to call someone a moron than to patiently and politely explain what they did wrong and why it was wrong.
Either that, or people start to use xtrmly abrvt wrdng to sqz a few xtr chrs in, in a way reminding of some greybeard programmers who write code as if variable names were still limited to 8 characters.
I still remember the joy of entering the unlimited text era on cellphones a few years ago, and finally being able to type (almost) as much as I like in a text without worrying about how much it will cost. Why one would want to go back to such stringent character count limitations, when technological considerations can no longer justify it, is beyond me.
Edited 2013-09-15 09:32 UTC
I did not say you. I was not offended and you have nothing to be sorry about. You simply misinterpreted what I said.
Edited 2013-09-13 23:59 UTC
When someone takes the time to try to help you, an appropriate response is “thank you”. An inappropriate response is “go fix it for me”.
When someone points out that you have been rude, an appropriate response is “I’m sorry”. An inappropriate response is “you can’t read”.
Until you learn the basics of social interaction, you will likely struggle to succeed in any endeavor that requires playing well with others.
You’ll note that I did not tell you where to go or what to do to yourself when you get there. This is because I intend this to help you (though I will probably still choose to ignore you in the future, as I said), not to offend you. However, you can take it as you will.
Hope you have a pleasant evening.
“Shit, we’re STILL not turning a profit. Time stop caring about the company, go public, get some capital and get the hell out”
Edited 2013-09-13 07:07 UTC
Quick search for “is twitter profitable” just proved me wrong. They are profitable and have been for some time.
Twitter reported a 2012 “profit” of only $3.1 million on revenue of $245 million. [This profit is almost certainly a result of creative accounting.] This means Twitter has a realistic valuation of less than $50 million.
Apparently obscenely so. I’m quite amazed
On the other hand, the reference I found also said the following:
“Third of all, most successful companies don’t brag about their profits. Google didn’t. Zynga didn’t.”
I had to google it to find out what the hell is Zynga.
A company that made the most of their profit by convincing kids to borrow their parents credit cards to buy virtual stuff for stupid games. π
Actually, based on the people I know who play those games, it’s not infrequently the parents and grandparents who are the target audience.
Well they did well for a quite a bit and then lost a lot.
They didn’t cash out when they should have (or maybe the right people did)
Edited 2013-09-13 23:13 UTC
Did they ever turn any real profit though? I’m not sure.
Even with impressive revenue it seems they always operated at a net loss.
I honestly don’t know. Unfortunately as I learnt from my business friends there are so many different definition of profit, you can make the numbers say anything you want.