The first Android Wear device that will come out of the box with Google’s big new software update is now on sale in the US. Google began selling the LG Urbane on its online store today for $349. The watch comes in either a silver or a gold, and Google says new orders will leave its warehouse by Friday, May 8th.
The Urbane is not exactly my cup of coffee, but a lot of people seem to like it, so get it while it’s hot. I hope this means said Wear update will be pushed out to other devices soon, too.
It looks quite nice.
That watch is gorgeous…..did anyone catch that it’s running WebOS?
And ?
What is it with Thom’s fascination with smartwatches? They get covered here more than phones do, yet he says repeatedly that they don’t yet meet his needs.
Perhaps, this is… the One !
They don’t meet HIS needs, but he still reports on them. How dare he do that, selfishly report on a productcategory that OTHERS might find interesting
Well, not necessarily :
He doesn’t just report on them… he reports on them a LOT.
Shouldn’t these things actually be called dumb watches, since they are damn near useless without their external phone brain? Seems like we’ve got this backward. A smart phone can do more than a so-called dumb phone, yet these smart watches are capable of nothing without another device to do their “thinking” for them.
What about no ?……
Full Android 4.4, camera, integrated GSM, etc… Smartphone ? Nope, smartwatch.
Shouldn’t most notebooks also be called dumb books? All of the heavy processing for facebook/gmail, etc takes place on smarter machines. You really can’t do much without connecting to a larger to a another device to do their “thinking” for them.
That has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard today. You act as if a notebook is an online-only machine which, maybe if you have a Chromebook might be half true, but I can run a server on my laptop. I can run whatever I want to run. I could even make the machine part of a cluster, but headless machines with more space for power make sense for this use case more than a laptop.
If you’re going to troll, try harder.
Well Said Sir!
My laptop is currently running 7 VM’s
Please be so kind to let me know when a watch, phone or a tablet can do that!
You can, yes. But do you run most of the applications you use on the machine? Do most people?
At a very real level, all most all of our devices are connected with other devices. And almost all the heavy computing is done on other devices, with the exception of the servers on the internet running facebook, google, the irs tax system. Its a very poor metric for calling something “Smart” or “Dumb”.
Oh right media apps like photoshop and sound editing apps still take a lot of mostly local processing that takes place on a minority of devices. But that’s about it.
I would suggest something like connectivity to other platforms to be *the* indicator of intelligent devices. The more a device can make use of another separate computing platform, the smarter it is.
That would make the Apple Watch the smartest device in the world because it can’t do anything by itself but entirely relies on the iPhone. Wouldn’t the iPhone be the smarter device?
Or in other words, which do you think is smarter: A baby that is entirely relient on his parents..or the parents?
Our phones hardly ever connect with other devices. They connect with the internet, that’s it. And almost everything is done on the phone itself. Taking pictures and videos, playing games, rendering websites, keeping track of my running, etc. Only when we get some data from the internet we are “connected”. I would say domotica (or buzzword iot) is when we start to connect devices and I am not sure if those devices will be smart or will just have 1 or 2 connected features
Guys you don’t understand the trend. Just wait for those applications that will allow you to pay for a train ticket with your smartwatch, or exchange photos / contact information just with touchig eatch other watches .. (I can see the adds)
Sure you can do that on a smartphone but since most of us keep wanting bigger screens on a phone, a smart watch may come in handy.