Unlike the last major update, which added support for remote streaming to Macs and PCs, the 4.00 firmware beta (codenamed Shingen) is mostly focused on tweaking the PS4’s user interface. One of the biggest changes is the ability to create folders to organize your games and apps, instead of relying purely on Sony’s existing organizational tools. Another is that instead of taking over the whole screen, the Share and Quick menus will open as windows that don’t entirely cover your current game or app, and you’ll be able to add and remove items from the Quick menu to customize it.
Does it suck as bad as the PS3 does when it comes to updates? About a month ago, I turned on my PS3 for the first time in a long time to download the Youtube app, and I had to install a system update and PSN update before I could even download it, despite the fact that automatic updates are turned on.
Then I fired up the Youtube app, and got a message that I had to update it. Are you f-king kidding me, Sony? It’s 2016… why don’t you put the latest versions of these apps in your store?
Maybe you worded that wrongly, but how do you expect a machine to automatically update itself when it is turned off?
I don’t have a modern console myself but I hear lots of complaints about “I just want to game, not wait for updates”. It is the same for a phone for me where I love the actual updates but the update-process is much too invasive for me. These devices should just work, not have a monthly maintenance window for the OS with 30 minutes of downtime. I can live with an app that is down for 10 seconds while it is updating but that should be just about the maximum duration.
I really hope this doesn’t become the norm with IoT stuff in the future: Sorry, the coffeemachine and airco are now updating….nooooooooooooo!
My coffee “machine” will never do that. It’s a French Press, and it’s going to stay that way. I have a moka pot too. Air conditioning now, that I do understand wanting to be able to program and control from my phone but… not the coffee machine! A little off topic, but I don’t get the point of a net-connected coffee machine (and they do actually exist, no joke). I mean, you still have to put the water and coffee into it in the first place. Filter too, if applicable. At that point, just push the bloody buttons since you’re right there anyway!
My guess is that he’d have expected the auto-updates to kick in when the machine was first turned on without bothering him, since they were enabled anyway.
My Wife’s PS3 turns itself on at 0200 to see if there are updates to the system. Generally she hasn’t had a problem.
On the other hand, every time I’ve tried to play Gran Turismo, I get a cascade of updates. I’ve never really sat down to enjoy that game, eventually letting it update and forgetting about it until later.
Yeah, that’s how it works… you schedule it to turn itself on a certain time, but apparently it doesn’t do much good.