The new, cleaned-up, polished Amiga operating system for your 68K machine fixes all the small annoyances that have piled up over the years. Originally intended as a bug-fix release, it also modernizes many system components previously upgraded in OS 3.9.
Contrary to its modest revision number, AmigaOS 3.1.4 is arguably as large an upgrade as OS 3.9 was, and surpasses it in stability and robustness. Over 320K of release notes cover almost every aspect of your favourite classic AmigaOS – from bootmenu to datatypes.
This is not AmigaOS 4 – just making that clear here – but an updated version of AmigaOS 3 for classic 68K-based Amigas.
BestWB is an unofficial new workbench pack: “much like BetterWB. It aims to be much like an enhancement, an updated extension to AmigaOS 3.1.4, without all those hardware penalties typically associated with these kind of packs.”
It’s Amiga news again!
( )
PS. Hm, in the news blurb there should IMHO also be:
…so it’s getting better than the blurb suggests – apparently this update, beeing in the 3.1 branch (and in contrast to the mentioned 3.9 – 3.5 and later require a 68020 CPU and 4 MiB of RAM), runs on unexpanded classic Amigas!
…it truly just won’t die!
(and it’s meant in a teasing/loving way, BBC link for those who dig British humour
) I’ll be probably using it on A600 for one framegrabber/web project of mine. 
Unlike 3.5-3.9 this update is not a bunch of bloated shareware! It actually fixes a bunch of problems while keeping things nice and lean.
Edited 2018-10-04 02:42 UTC