A brand new version of Icaros Desktop is now available to everyone. V2.2.4 includes new brilliant features and applications, small but important fixes and, for you Amiga lovers, a vintage GUI that can be selected after installation, which reproduces the plain old Amiga OS 3.1 interface.
Icaros Desktop is one of the easiest ways to experiences AROS, the open source Amiga-like operating system for x86.
The link is broken.
There are two links and both of them work fine for me…
There were over 13 hours between the post of panzi and yours, it could have been fixed in the meantine…
PS. Hurray, it’s Amiga news again!
(it truly won’t die: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-28483217
). Two news, even… 
Hats off to the people working on this and similar projects… Kudos!