Microsoft released the latest Windows 10 insider build for next year’s April Windows 10 update, and it contained a welcome susprise.
Ever since we introduced the ability to choose between light and dark in Windows 10, we’ve heard feedback asking for a truer separation between the two options. When you select Light under Settings > Personalization > Colors, the expectation is that the system color would be lighter too. And it didn’t do that before – the taskbar and many other things stayed dark. Now, if you choose Light under Settings > Personalization > Colors, all system UI will now be light. This includes the taskbar, Start menu, Action Center, touch keyboard, and more.
This looks really, really nice. There’s a few other changes in this build as well, but do note we’re very early in the development process, so these builds are not for the faint of heart.
Personally I think it would be nice if Microsoft opened up its ecosystem to make it easier for third parties to create themes for Windows, much like the open source community does for the various Linux desktop environments. This light theme looks really nice. Keep up the good work Redmond!
Some body have to get paid for WindowBlinds and such.
If only……
This looks a bit like KDE.
Where did they listen to feedback?
It’s the same shitty flat design as before…
Lame flat design and now instead of the 34 disparate UI widget, menu and icon mismatches we’ll have 68 due to a lazy color inversion.
Microsoft must be getting pretty desperate trying to convince their shareholders that Microsoft’s 6 month updates contain anything at all of value. This reeks of scratching the bottom of the barrel.
It’s really a testament to how resilient and well designed 2000/XP/Vista/7 were to have untalented hacks repeatedly do their best ruining the operating system and yet it still runs the real desktop applications that people actually use (as opposed to fake UWP apps).
Hopefully Microsoft fires many people this year.
Supporting a light theme? As news? Really?
I went over the things, didn’t find much worth mentioning but one: “We fixed a race condition resulting in blue screens if your PC was set up to dual boot in recent builds.” Well, now look at that. However, I still find it outrageously idiotic that a dualboot setup can cause blue screens.
Oh, and did you see among the known issues: “Settings page will crash after changing the account password or PIN, we recommend using the CTRL + ALT + DEL method to change the password” I don’t think I have any comment on that.
However, I noticed that since I started only launching Win10 in a VM when I need it for something, I tend to laugh more on issues like the above instead of cursing endlessly when I used it daily
Why not? Apple’s update to macOS Mojave was mostly about ‘dark theme available now’.
This seems very much a case of
“Fiddling while Redmond Burns” (I mean that literally not physically given the wildfired in CA)
Well sure thing, given Redmond’s not in CA. ;P
It seems more like a case of you not understanding what that sentence refers to, or you not knowing much about Microsoft’s (current) financials.
So while they release updates that delete users’ files and break compatibility, they’re worried about adding a new theme. Great!
It may seem shallow, but the fact that Windows 10 will finally allow a lighter-color taskbar etc makes the idea of using it on a daily basis less unappealing to me.
MS is a large organisation employing plenty of people, it can do many things at once…
Perhaps the previous poster was projecting their own inability to multitask?
Hm, he’s IIRC an Apple faithful …and when was the last time I used their desktop OS it had a kinda awkward UX for multitasking
(let’s not even go into iOS)
Yes, because artists and UI designers are EXACTLY the people I want working on update code.
These builds are not for the faint of heart? Even the release builds aren’t. Latest update killed sound on my Intel NUC and it now freezes every 20 minutes or so. Windows reliability has been going down the toilet.
I had a similar problem with sound on one system and with performance on another. I reinstalled to 1803. does these problems remains after update to 10.0.17763.134?
A friend texted me just the other day asking if I had a spare WiFi adapter because the latest Win10 update broke his driver. He ended up rolling back the update and it fixed his issue, but just like the file deletion thing, it’s always some problem with Windows updates these days.
I would have prefered to have a welcomed surprise, like being able to kill Cortana and weed it off the OS (same with Internet Explorer and Edge and Paint 3D and etc and etc and etc).
YES. We should actually get a ton of people to request that feature.
See my Winaero Tweaker link above, look for “Disable Cortana”
I use a light theme on my Linux desktop and I like it that way, but looking at the screenshots here, it looks too bright to me.
And I can’t call “really, really nice” something that flat and boring.