A milestone for Syllable OS: “With a couple of patches from Arno Klenke, both the ATAPI driver and ISO9660 filesystem driver work together happily, and we are able to mount, read and unmount discs” project leader Vanders wrote. In the meantime, SkyOS gets some significant updates on its installer on other parts of the OS.
That means that I have to start working on the Installer
I cannot wait. It’ll be worth the eternal servitude the promised the developers for this. Great work!
THIS IS AWESOME!!! I remember trying Syllable a while ago, it is a great OS and this is a HUGE step forwards!!! Next all that is needed is a CD Installation!
What a great day! First my beloved Kansas Jayhawks get back to the Final Four and now I check Osnews and find this about Syllable. I’ve been following Syllable since it was AtheOS and find this could be the biggest step forword for it since it forked from AtheOS. Vanders is a great project leader and deserves great credit for moving this OS in the right direction.
I’ve tried SkyOS and find it an interesting OS. While I doubt i’ll use it as much as Syllable or BeOS, Ill keep a partition on my hard drive.
It’s like a ray of sunshine just broke through the clouds, angelic music playing in the background. March has certainly been Syllable’s month- wich leads me to belive Vanders & Company have no interest in colleg basketball
Rick, a favor please. Could the installer include an option for use in VMware (the upper address space blah blah thing to put it techincally)?
This truely calls for a standing ovation!
IMHO it would be nice to see OSNews focus a little more on GUI systems, rather than just kernels. In a modern OS, most of the user experience is governed by the GUI rather than the kernel.
How about updates on projects like Fresco, DirectFB, DinX, and PicoGUI in addition to XFree86?
If you actually looked a little closer at Syllable you would see that it is and has been a completely GUI system, the only way to get command line is via emulation.
I think what Micah means is that for OSNews to provide more stories on GUI system. He know what Syllable is!!!.
Ahh, after my old hd died on me, and network issues I decided to wait a while before reinstalling it on my old ppro system. But with recent additions like atapi/cdrom/audigy drivers coming along niicely and some progress on dhcp, I may be able to install syllable on my main desktop. I am very glad that syllable is continuing on where atheos left off.
Now if only someone could port mplayer
I tried Syllable a while back and was very impressed. It really is a very nice OS and is getting better.
The only reason I got rid of it was because my i810 video wouldn’t work… but I hear a driver is in development and should be ready pretty soon. ๐
Great job guys and keep up the good work!
Hey thanks ppl, i just asked if it would be possible a while back in another syllable thread, and poof here it is.
You guys are great
Keep it up
I have been trying to run it on computers of mine for the last three or four versions and I can’t!
I have an ECS K7SEM 3.0A motherboard, with Athlon XP 2000+, 256Mb of RAM, Geforce3 Ti200 vodieo card, and 15Gb HD.
And SkyOS reports: “Your video card is not VESA 2.0 (or 3.0, I forget which) compliant.”
Give me a (!!!) break! What does this stupid OS want from me? Better or lesser technology? Will it run on a 486? I got one of those! I even have an ISA video card! Ooh, maybe it will like that really high-end 256K of RAM it has!
I would LOVE to test SkyOS out, but I simply can’t and I haven’t a (!!!) clue as to why! Yet other people seem to have no problem(s).
Please… someone… ANYONE… get a stupid hardware compatibility list drafted up, so people like me can stop griping and start *using* SkyOS!
Luposian, not a reason to act like that. This is obviously a bug in the vesa driver of SkyOS. GeForce 3 is VESA 2/3 compliant. All you had to do is report the problem to Robert.
I have told him every single time I couldn’t run SkyOS for one reason or another. Every single version I tried. And, still, the next version comes up empty for me… again and again.
If people would just work on compositing a reliable hardware compatibility list (just like they did/have for BeOS, because it had it’s limitations as well), people like me wouldn’t be going bonkers trying to run an OS that keeps burping up on our hardware!
Luposian, before making such comments, please read the news archive on http://www.skyos.org.
You will see there an entry like : “Fixed VESA2.0 bug. No all available modes were detected.”
Just wait for the next version you will be able to run it.