Mozilla 0.9.6 Released made available for download binaries of the Mozilla 0.9.6 Milestone. New to this milestone are fixes for about 1,600 bugs including: Mozilla now displays page icons in the url bar (Expect support for shortcut icons (aka favicon) in Mozilla 0.9.7). Mozilla can now display Windows .BMP and .ICO images on all platforms. Print Preview has been implemented. Macintosh Page Setup has been implemented. Mail message “labels” support has been implemented. Mail “prefill mail filter” support has been implemented. The new Search for item on the context menu lets you search for any
text you highlight on a web page. In related news, Netscpape 6.2 and also Netscape 4.79 (based on the old 4.x codebase) were released very recently.


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  8. 2001-11-26 5:41 pm