Get a Feel from BugOS Kernel 1.0

MC emailed us about his own, new, operating system for x86 processors called… BugOS. Latest version is less than one month old, and the OS even has a TCP/IP stack, IDE driver, 64-bit FAT filesystem, a micro-kernel and more. The OS can be booted from a partition, from within DOS, CD-ROM or from two floppies.


  1. 2001-11-28 12:36 pm
  2. 2001-11-28 2:08 pm
  3. 2001-11-28 6:09 pm
  4. 2001-11-28 6:56 pm
  5. 2001-11-28 10:33 pm
  6. 2001-11-29 4:53 am
  7. 2001-11-30 7:53 am
  8. 2001-11-30 8:27 pm