MC emailed us about his own, new, operating system for x86 processors called… BugOS. Latest version is less than one month old, and the OS even has a TCP/IP stack, IDE driver, 64-bit FAT filesystem, a micro-kernel and more. The OS can be booted from a partition, from within DOS, CD-ROM or from two floppies.
oh gods. a 64bit fat. i certainly hope not. FAT is great for floppies. it aint great for anything else and certainly not to be bleeding extended to 64bit. ugh.
pray its a misprint. 64bit fat.
I’m no kernel hacker, but that’s a great name for an OS. Well done
When even the name of the OS has bugs that should give you a hint.
i have tried to download the program it was VERY slow… i was getting less then 1 k a sec…
and the site sez powered by bugos Just scares me…
i have tried ALOT of os’s out there but this one is NOT one i will try…
And that site is hard to navigate as well. I think I’ll pass.
Like plex86 but an OS…
Look at the age of the OS, it is the first version. and it may not have very much developement time behind it. but if he really does have his site hosted on a BugOS server..then he has made a LOT of progress… you should give him that much credit(which is a lot too). Nice job MC!!!
Before you complain about performance issues, you should take a look at that site’s TLD.
.hu sounds like Hungary or something. Chances are great that it’s simply a lack of bandwidth…
64bit FAT does sound awkward, but then it’s apparently got ext2 support as well. What I really don’t understand though is that BugOS seems to use the DOS-ish C:\
Looks like the name is apppropriate