Really, I can’t understand that some people are not ashamed to use a certain OS which has a fat, childish and dull looking penguin as a mascot.
FreeBSDs mascot is much cooler. OpenBSDs logo is even fatter and more fishy than the Linux one and the Windows logo is just plain boring (like the whole OS).
(this comment was not too serious but I really love that cute thingy – just another reason to want MacOS X)
Well, I’m posting from Yellow Dog right now … and I’ve got to say I was happy to leave the little fellow behind. He may be cute, but he also took away my objdump.
Tux on the other hand is more like buddha. Sure he isn’t cute, and he is kind of fat … but that’s because he eats lots of raw fish–and I love sushi Hexley probably eats walnuts. He *can have* his walnuts, and his otool and his nm too.
So I’m going to have to say I like the penguin better, but I can understand your affinity for Hexley. I was in that state of mind too for a while.
(The fish symbol is the earliest of Christian symbols and was the most common representation of Jesus Christ from the second through the fourth centuries.)
I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
> (The fish symbol is the earliest of Christian symbols and was the most common representation of Jesus Christ from the second through the fourth centuries.)
I know the OS is a Jihad but for the sake of sanity keep Religion out of it!
Next thing you know they’ll be; Popenix, Godnix, Jesusnix, Allahnix, Osamanix, Satannix.
But maybe you could sell the whole BSD is the OS from God thing to Bush and we might actually get somewhere – he’ll be forcing Iran to use it on the threat of bombing!
You’re right about the fish symbol, but the one for FreeDOS sucks. I wish tux would be replaced by the next generation of penguins, as in Mandrake Tux :
What’s wrong with Tux? I mean Chuck’s the coolest mascot ever…but still, Tux is pretty damn cool too.
On a more serious note, anybody actually run Darwin outside of OS X? Any advantages in performance, stability, or user experience over FreeBSD or Linux?
Darwin is the underlying BSD UNIX layer of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. Its kernel is a conglomeration of BSD and Mach, and its userland is taken from several versions of BSD.
It’s nice to see a relaxed, silly conversation like this once in a while.
If I can just say, many geeks tend to be a little OC, or certainly fanatic. A good mascot is important for championing your cause. Tux is fine. I’ve always felt Mandrake’s penguins just looked plain old stupid.
Hexley is awesome. He is very Disney-ish, but what’s wrong with that? Get a kid hoked on him at 1 – maybe he’ll want to learn some Unix when he’s old enough.
By Centurion (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 09:50:00
I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
Just going to throw my $0.02 into this fray as a correction. You had the wrong dirrection, penguins are in the south, you find them in Antarctica. Either way it’s too darn warm where you live.
Hexley is awesome. He is very Disney-ish, but what’s wrong with that? Get a kid hoked on him at 1 – maybe he’ll want to learn some Unix when he’s old enough.
Get kids hooked on Unix at 1 year old? What kind of monster are you?!
Although I do have visions of Hexley and the rest of the BSD mascots in a Saturday morning cartoon. Fighting for Truth, Freedom, and the BSD licencing terms. They can get the OpenBSD guys to do the theme tune. There could be BSD action figures. Boardgames. Trading cards!
I had a chance to use Darwin for a brief period and found it to be an excellent OS. It is a solid stable OS. It has a great community and the people behind the project are top notch. Fink and their ports system are superb package managers. If you run into problems, just hop on to #opendarwin on The people there are very knowledgeable and are extremely helpful as long as you’re willing to do a little homework on your own.
I love linux, but I have always hated Tux. In fact, it would almost be worth switchin to FreeBSD just be rid of the fat fish-eater. The BSD daemon is way cooler anyways.
I guess Tux may be attractive to kids or people who like cute things. However, I think most geeks prefer samurai or ninjas or something. If I had to pick a mascot for linux I would say domo-kun. Of course, I am sure he is copyrighted or something, but he could be used as the inspiration for a mascot or something.
Tux, to me, is a great amalgamation of professionalism and cuteness. He’s a little animal (cute!) yet dresses in a tuxedo (professional!). Compare this to the BSD Daemon which brings to mind visions of sin, and you know why Tux owns!
He is copyright of some channel “NHK”, would make a great mascot anyway, He is if I remember rightly the monster chasing the cat in one of the many incarnations of the “Everytime you buy a PocketPC G-d kills a kitten” pic floating round the net.
Actually, the fish symbol was used by Pagans long before Christians.
Early Christians used the fish as a secret symbol to identify themselves to each other. Christians were persecuted so it wasn’t smart to advertise the fact you were a Christian.
When Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome Christians went from being persecuted to being persecutors so they had no need for secret symbols to indentify each other so the fish symbol fell mostly out of use.
Recently the fish symbol has gained popularity as a way to publicly display one’s piety. This is exactly the sort of thing Jesus preached against in his Sermon on the Mount but of course there isn’t too much of this sort of humility in modern Christianity.
I think the platypus is perfect for darwin, seeing that darwin is a bastard (mean it in a good way ) OS made from various OS’s bits. Just like a platypus is made from various animals it seams. And being cute never hurts.
As was noted his name is not Chuck, that was some person in marketing once said that I belive. He is nameless.
Now does the openbsd blowfish have a name?
And why doesn’t NetBSD get a animal mascot?
I never realized that Dumo-kun was that things name and was some orginized thing. I thought it was something completely random. Nice to know. Though I must say that version of the kitten with PocketPC is the lamest version i have ever heard. It will always be “every time you mastur…. ” in my mind.
>By Ian Christie (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 15:14:11
>>By Centurion (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 09:50:00
>>I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
>Just going to throw my $0.02 into this fray as a correction. You had the wrong dirrection, penguins are in the south, you find them in Antarctica. Either way it’s too darn warm where you live.
hey hey hey you neither know correctly. Most kinds of penguins live near the equator.. like 2 digit number (I cannot remember well) and only three or more kinds of penguins live else where (Antartica).
I live in New Zealand. In NZ you can see penguins on 90 mile beach which is top of North Island and where you can drive a car on, and also you can watch some other animals as well which you only can watch at zoo.
anyway penguins do not only live in very cold environment.
hm.. very interesting how your mind works.. did you come up with each new “OS” after forming associations with the previous one? Like: Allah -> Osama -> Satan.. well, interesting anyway :]
Come on! Ease up on Cthulu! Sure, he was an embodiment of indescribable horror and chaos. Yea, the architecture of his submarine home was a cyclopean labyrinth of impossibly complex geometry. Yes he devoured all and destroyed the minds of his followers. OK, maybe Cthulu is an apt mascot. Do you think H.P. Lovecraft drew his inspiration from using Word on Windows 3.1?
I just want to say that Darwin has the coolest OS mascot in the whole damn world! Apple should use it instead of this faceless ‘X’.
He (Hexley) even has his own homepage already:
Really, I can’t understand that some people are not ashamed to use a certain OS which has a fat, childish and dull looking penguin as a mascot.
FreeBSDs mascot is much cooler. OpenBSDs logo is even fatter and more fishy than the Linux one and the Windows logo is just plain boring (like the whole OS).
(this comment was not too serious but I really love that cute thingy – just another reason to want MacOS X)
Well, I’m posting from Yellow Dog right now … and I’ve got to say I was happy to leave the little fellow behind. He may be cute, but he also took away my objdump.
Tux on the other hand is more like buddha. Sure he isn’t cute, and he is kind of fat … but that’s because he eats lots of raw fish–and I love sushi Hexley probably eats walnuts. He *can have* his walnuts, and his otool and his nm too.
So I’m going to have to say I like the penguin better, but I can understand your affinity for Hexley. I was in that state of mind too for a while.
ick, hexley is too disnyish.
>ick, hexley is too disnyish.
Yeah he is really a little disneyish. But I read a lot of disney comics as a little child. Maybe this explains why I like him so much..
I’m aesthetically brainwashed I guess.
🙂 I don’t think demons may be a good mascot for people to use…
how old are you people?
Yeah it’s indeed questionable. Is an OS full of little devils really christianical correct?
If you’re a christian and want to take no risks there is only one choice – FreeDOS!
Check out this logo:
(The fish symbol is the earliest of Christian symbols and was the most common representation of Jesus Christ from the second through the fourth centuries.)
>how old are you people?
Older than you.
this is NOT a devil, but rather a demon (yes, there is a difference)
I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
Chuck isn’t a demon, he is a daemon. They are not evil nor good.
See this:
> and I love sushi Hexley probably eats walnuts.
Why on earth would a platypus eat walnuts?
They eat bugs, worms, shrimp etc.
> (The fish symbol is the earliest of Christian symbols and was the most common representation of Jesus Christ from the second through the fourth centuries.)
I know the OS is a Jihad but for the sake of sanity keep Religion out of it!
Next thing you know they’ll be; Popenix, Godnix, Jesusnix, Allahnix, Osamanix, Satannix.
But maybe you could sell the whole BSD is the OS from God thing to Bush and we might actually get somewhere – he’ll be forcing Iran to use it on the threat of bombing!
I’d propose Cthulu as Windows mascot, and some sort of peacock for Mac OS.
I’d like to see a binary release of Darwin again from Apple.
I concur.
Sure beats the pants of Apple’s rehashed crap.
You’re right about the fish symbol, but the one for FreeDOS sucks. I wish tux would be replaced by the next generation of penguins, as in Mandrake Tux : (why not?)
than this fatso :
No! Dob’t ruin Cthulu by associating him with Windows. I propose Steve Ballimer’s face as the new logo.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is Darwin, exactly?
What’s wrong with Tux? I mean Chuck’s the coolest mascot ever…but still, Tux is pretty damn cool too.
On a more serious note, anybody actually run Darwin outside of OS X? Any advantages in performance, stability, or user experience over FreeBSD or Linux?
Darwin is the underlying BSD UNIX layer of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system. Its kernel is a conglomeration of BSD and Mach, and its userland is taken from several versions of BSD.
> On a more serious note, anybody actually run Darwin outside of OS X?
Some people run it on x86 hardware, since Mac OS X is not avaible on this architecture, there are definititely some interest in Darwin.
It’s nice to see a relaxed, silly conversation like this once in a while.
If I can just say, many geeks tend to be a little OC, or certainly fanatic. A good mascot is important for championing your cause. Tux is fine. I’ve always felt Mandrake’s penguins just looked plain old stupid.
Hexley is awesome. He is very Disney-ish, but what’s wrong with that? Get a kid hoked on him at 1 – maybe he’ll want to learn some Unix when he’s old enough.
Has everyone seen the new Zeta mascot? He’s Speeny the mosquito. He looks drugged out and has a name that’s the same as a nasty internal organ…
You can check it out at the Yellowtab website. There’s even a poll in the forums asking for feedback.
In case anyone doesn’t know, Zeta is an upcoming BeOS distribution.
By Centurion (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 09:50:00
I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
Just going to throw my $0.02 into this fray as a correction. You had the wrong dirrection, penguins are in the south, you find them in Antarctica. Either way it’s too darn warm where you live.![;)](
I have an old old system ( PowerSpec 1810 )
with Cyrix MediaGX 180Mhz processor and 96 MB RAM.
Has anyone used Darwin ( latest version?)
on Cyrix MediaGX?? Where could I get the
CD ISO images or small boot images to try out
on my system ????
Is anyone working on this besides Apple? I am concerned since we are only talking about ICONS.
I don’t have a problem with penguins! I know penguins live south but Finland is definately located in the North, get my point? 😉
Hexley is awesome. He is very Disney-ish, but what’s wrong with that? Get a kid hoked on him at 1 – maybe he’ll want to learn some Unix when he’s old enough.
Get kids hooked on Unix at 1 year old? What kind of monster are you?!
Although I do have visions of Hexley and the rest of the BSD mascots in a Saturday morning cartoon. Fighting for Truth, Freedom, and the BSD licencing terms. They can get the OpenBSD guys to do the theme tune. There could be BSD action figures. Boardgames. Trading cards!
the bsd daemon: optimus prime-ish character
huxley: the young gung-ho rebel
tux: the pragmatic older fellow with a temper
spleeny: remember that old comic where you had those mad pilots who also happened to be mad physicists(?), thats spleeny ;D
If you read the page that was posted earlier relating to the BSD Daemon, his name isn’t Chuck – he is in fact nameless.
As to the actual article, it’s good so see both organisations (or rather .org and company) time their releases with each other.
I had a chance to use Darwin for a brief period and found it to be an excellent OS. It is a solid stable OS. It has a great community and the people behind the project are top notch. Fink and their ports system are superb package managers. If you run into problems, just hop on to #opendarwin on The people there are very knowledgeable and are extremely helpful as long as you’re willing to do a little homework on your own.
I love linux, but I have always hated Tux. In fact, it would almost be worth switchin to FreeBSD just be rid of the fat fish-eater. The BSD daemon is way cooler anyways.
I guess Tux may be attractive to kids or people who like cute things. However, I think most geeks prefer samurai or ninjas or something. If I had to pick a mascot for linux I would say domo-kun. Of course, I am sure he is copyrighted or something, but he could be used as the inspiration for a mascot or something.
For those of you who don’t know who domo-kun is, chech this out:
Tux, to me, is a great amalgamation of professionalism and cuteness. He’s a little animal (cute!) yet dresses in a tuxedo (professional!). Compare this to the BSD Daemon which brings to mind visions of sin, and you know why Tux owns!
the Ximian monkey is very apt – cheeky, agile, capable, nimble… and yet inalien…
also the ALpha penguin is not bad… has that certain hard dark edge…
i’d be happy if Tux was replaced…
He is copyright of some channel “NHK”, would make a great mascot anyway, He is if I remember rightly the monster chasing the cat in one of the many incarnations of the “Everytime you buy a PocketPC G-d kills a kitten” pic floating round the net.
Alistair, correct, though some call him Beasty as a play on B-S-D.
Darwin supports Apple PPC systems (G3+) and x86 systems running Intel chips (it only supports the PIIX chipset).
It seems that Apple want to keep Darwin compatable with x86 but aren’t really interseted in writting drivers.
AFAIK Darwin has almost zero driver support on x86. That means that there is a very high chance that you won’t get it to run on your hardware.
Also I think its very hard to install (OpenBSD level or worse) so you better have SOME UNIX/BSD knowledge before trying.
I would like to run Darwin but until some project is started to write a lot of drivers for x86 hardware I think I can forget about this.
There is are more recent binary releases than the one on the apple site. The opendarwin page has one with a few fixes and updates, dated 17 02 2003.
I just downloaded the x86 version… It is 585mb, not 385mb as said on the page.
Actually, the fish symbol was used by Pagans long before Christians.
Early Christians used the fish as a secret symbol to identify themselves to each other. Christians were persecuted so it wasn’t smart to advertise the fact you were a Christian.
When Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome Christians went from being persecuted to being persecutors so they had no need for secret symbols to indentify each other so the fish symbol fell mostly out of use.
Recently the fish symbol has gained popularity as a way to publicly display one’s piety. This is exactly the sort of thing Jesus preached against in his Sermon on the Mount but of course there isn’t too much of this sort of humility in modern Christianity.
All this talk about the various mascots reminded me: what happened to OpenBeOS’ big change-of-name?
…the openbsd blowfish logo.
I’m no fan of devilish-looking mascots nor sports teams bearing the name devil.
I think the platypus is perfect for darwin, seeing that darwin is a bastard (mean it in a good way
) OS made from various OS’s bits. Just like a platypus is made from various animals it seams. And being cute never hurts.
As was noted his name is not Chuck, that was some person in marketing once said that I belive. He is nameless.
Now does the openbsd blowfish have a name?
And why doesn’t NetBSD get a animal mascot?
I never realized that Dumo-kun was that things name and was some orginized thing. I thought it was something completely random. Nice to know. Though I must say that version of the kitten with PocketPC is the lamest version i have ever heard. It will always be “every time you mastur…. ” in my mind.
>By Ian Christie (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 15:14:11
>>By Centurion (IP: — – Posted on 2003-05-15 09:50:00
>>I don’t like Tux either. I think Hexley is much cooler but Chuck is the coolest (or the hotest :-)) of all. I don’t like to be represented by that fool penguine cause I don’t live north anyway. I am from Greece and it is hot as hell here!
>Just going to throw my $0.02 into this fray as a correction. You had the wrong dirrection, penguins are in the south, you find them in Antarctica. Either way it’s too darn warm where you live.
hey hey hey you neither know correctly. Most kinds of penguins live near the equator.. like 2 digit number (I cannot remember well) and only three or more kinds of penguins live else where (Antartica).
Have you checked it on the Internet?
I live in New Zealand. In NZ you can see penguins on 90 mile beach which is top of North Island and where you can drive a car on, and also you can watch some other animals as well which you only can watch at zoo.
anyway penguins do not only live in very cold environment.
>Next thing you know they’ll be; Popenix, Godnix, Jesusnix, Allahnix, Osamanix, Satannix.
hm.. very interesting how your mind works.. did you come up with each new “OS” after forming associations with the previous one? Like: Allah -> Osama -> Satan.. well, interesting anyway :]
Come on! Ease up on Cthulu! Sure, he was an embodiment of indescribable horror and chaos. Yea, the architecture of his submarine home was a cyclopean labyrinth of impossibly complex geometry. Yes he devoured all and destroyed the minds of his followers. OK, maybe Cthulu is an apt mascot. Do you think H.P. Lovecraft drew his inspiration from using Word on Windows 3.1?